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We have changed

With people we need to tread lightly. Sometimes I wish that wasn’t true. I’d love to bash some stupid idiots. Throw words of hate and vile towards those who think differently. Why? It’s because people love to judge. They love to criticize and berate. Oh, it’s not true Patrick. Really? Have you ever held vile against Trump in America, Trudeau In Canada, or the leader of North Korea? We all have it to some degree. Yet, we need to pull in the reigns. Tread ever so lightly. At some point in time after Jesus was crucified, people changed. I’m sure judgment has always been a part of the human race. However, something charged 2000 years ago. I wonder if it was the end of our innocence? Before Jesus the elite had an opinion. The religious leaders had an opinion. Even our parents ruled. Ever so slightly, day after day and year after year, we have changed all that. Open rebellion has been growing stronger evey century. Persecution of those who think differently has increased. We have had

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