Era of lies

            Welcome to the era of lies. All my Christian life I have been told that Satan is the father of lies. Equally, I have been schooled that he rules the earth at this time. Further to that, the end of times is supposed to be a nasty time to live. Wrap that all together and you get a common theme. If the father of lies is ruling then we should be like our leader. The rulers are always a reflection of who we are. How so? We voted them in.
            I know that politicians have lied since the dawn of time. It’s not rocket science. We tend to vote in the least lying liar. Only, we tend to find out they lied better than the alternative. There is no way to know when truth turned into lies. In America, was it in the great depression? Business people lied about the state of the economy. Were banks lying? Who was lying when President Kennedy was killed? We have never been comfortable with the truth in that one. Is Roswell New Mexico a lie?
            Then we have President Nixon. Further to that, we move ahead to Ronald Regan and the Iran/Contra gun smuggling scheme. How about Bill Clinton and his sex scandal? In Canada we have had our share from the FLQ crisis to Schwinigate scandal in the Liberal party. There were many other scandals like a conservative information leak scandal and more Liberal funds diversions. In a way we have become conditioned to accept lies. Who has gone to jail in all these scandals? Not once has the leader been jailed. They have all claimed oblivious innocence.
            Now we have a new group that has grown up in the elite. They are spoiled, rich, and trained to lie. They look pretty too. Voters are now being herded like cattle into the voter’s box. It’s trendy to pick traits of young, racial, and gender. Yet, not once are we asked to observe their morals. That is gone. Gone like the truth has vanished. I think lying is trendy now. Scandal is normal. Don’t you think it’s weird that the Bible said the end of times would have lies, no truth, and peril? Are we there yet, momma?
            What does God have to say? What makes Matthew 24 so ominous is Jesus being asked for a sign. It could have been an earthquake. How about a star in the sky? Maybe, Jesus could have said the time is now. Instead Jesus asked them to look for the signs. They’re will be wars and rumors of wars. Verse 12 is a particularly nasty one. It states that in lawlessness, people will become cold. God knew there would be days like these we live in.
            Who get’s what they deserve anymore? A killer gets three years. A lying politician gets nothing. A scandalous business restructures. Leaders caught in lies move on with a hefty severance. Elections are coming in Canada. Already we have many social media posts claiming this candidate is racist. Another is a liar and a cheat. Is it truth or lies? I read a post that reported housing sales are way down. In the same news service, it’s also being reported that the economy is flying high.
            This brings me back to Matthew 24. Rumors! Lawlessness! Are people cold these days? Tell me Facebook is friendly as it was? Tell me that social media isn’t a barren wasteland of lies and no truth? Tell me that politicians are being voted in because of merit? Honestly, I get 5 different economy predictions a week. They are all completely different. To make matters worse I think the weather man is more accurate than he or she should be.
            Can’t you feel it? Russia, China, Middle East, and the likes of North Korea just seem off. They are just mixed in enough of the world troubles. Just enough to make rumors. Just enough to be looked at for political turmoil. Just rumors and wars that might not be real. Then we have the new election climate in North America. There is no truth. Were asked to believe anything. Even the lies.
            It’s not doom really. (or is it?) I am just wondering what a world controlled by a father of lies might look like. Just look out the window or computer screen. It’s -30 here and they are taxing us for global warming. A rumor of a scandal within a large company in Canada is news today. It’s attached to the Prime Minister. Frankly everything seems attached to him these days. Next year Trump will leave. The American public will be goaded into voting for a woman. All the rumors and lies will be fed like feed to get it done. What troubles me these days is one thing. To get what done? Welcome to the era of lies.


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