Real change

It’s a turn of events. Recently, I have changed jobs at 53. I am still a mail man but I have gone back to delivering door to door. The walking scared me. My age scared me. Even changing people and depots scared me. What the hell was I doing? I have not been treated very well in Christian circles. Personally, I don’t think most evangelists have. We evangelists try and reach people who are not churchy people. The religious tend to dislike us with dirty hands and feet. I have even changed church. Change is a tricky thing.
            I have noticed that several people on Facebook have changed their name. Why? I wonder what has changed in their lives. What went wrong. I say “wrong” because people don’t change their name when things are going well. I thought about it. Why not change my name and move? Then I got to thinking. Why not make myself into an individual machine? Be “me” to the max.
            I began to make little changes like moving to a new job. Emphasize reading, writing, and my relationship with God. Basically, strengthen in me what is my passion. I don’t need to change my name. move to a new place. Sure, I changed jobs but I’m in the same company. I have changed churches but I’m still a Christian. I know people change a spouse. They move to another town. Some even excommunicate family and friends. Why change?
            All I know is there is too types of change. One makes adjustments, discoveries, and new passions. The other changes everything like scorched earth. I am different as a Christian. My life has changed bigtime. Yet, I am still me inside. My passion has added God and the Bible yet, I still love music, writing, and sports. I believe I have evolved into a better me. My name is Patrick Green Jr still.
            What is God thinking? I have been reading about some of the great pastors of the past. These men never went to university. They are famous for their passion in the word of God. What is similar in all of them is not the level of education. It’s the ability to listen to the Bible they study. They hear God. So many people think that hearing God requires change and miracles. They say God speaks quietly with a soft voice. It’s a push or feeling. People seem to thing it should be a loud shout or massive change. God has never worked that way.
            Ironically, God made us as individuals, yet were in a community of God. We are one. We are truly like God. He is three in one. It’s God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit working together om what is called the God head. It’s like a mind with a body. All the parts work together. Why then do we think that were supposed to be more special than others? Why should we be singled out? Does the body use one part more than another?
God says he has never changed. Then why do we change it all? I have changed but I am still me. It’s about evolution, enlightenment, and knowledge. I have not arrived. There is more to learn. When I went through divorce I was lost. What I have found since then is “me.” I don’t need to change my name. Instead I am learning to appreciate me as an individual. Sure, there will be people who dislike me. They hate what I am. I am not them. I am learning to love me as I was and will be.
            I have known churches and companies that changed their name. Yet, the same people are there. You can change sex, gender, community, or beliefs, but the person remains. I am a firm believer that the more we try and change the more we remain the same. Why? It’s because we were made a certain way. It is what it is. A painting of a tree is always different. Yet, it’s still a tree.
            I am fearful that people and entities that change their moto, purpose, and name are trying to become what they hate. They hated being ineffective. They hated ridicule and misunderstanding. Yet, underneath they remain the same. Radical change is learning to know yourself. To love yourself. Appreciate what God has given. Far too often people hate what God has not given. They forget that God has given. Descartes had it right “I think therefore I am.” Can’t you love that from God? It takes time to love “you.” Are you willing to learn that skill?


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