Laughable fake news

Recently, People were warned about a kid show that had been hacked on you tube. It was the Momo warning. It was asking kids to maim themselves. A few days later it’s been reported that it was just fake news. Another story this morning had a mom reporting that her child was influenced by a momo attack. Honestly, I believe it’s become two things. One is that this current generation has birthed several idiots. Secondly, the pompous attitude towards embracing this non-truth era will have grave consequences.
            Obama is a Muslim? Fake news or real? Trump tweets. Fake news or real? Recently, in Canada there is a corruption scandal involving the Prime Minister. He says is telling the truth. A woman in his upper cabinet says he is lying. The polls are all over the map. Why? It’s because we just don’t know what to believe. The word fake means false, fraud, copy, and more. You get the point. Are we at a point where fake is believable? It’s become truth?
            I am wondering if abolishing truth was not the goal. We have flat earth believers in the 22nd century. There are alien believers and conspiracy advocates. Why do some people believe that 6 million Jews did not die in the second world war? What I’m trying to say is that fake news is not new. Believing in false reports are not new. In 1938, Orson Wells gave a radio play broadcast of war of the worlds. It was depicted as a Martian invasion. They should have won an award because a nation believed it. there was a night of chaos. The only way to make people believe anything is take out the truth.
            In 1986, Ozzie Osbourne of the metal group Black Sabbath had a song called Suicide Solution. A family took him to court claiming that the song encouraged their son to kill himself. Can a song, YouTube video, or a radio broadcast cause trauma? You see, I think the fake news, and half-truth thing has been with us for some time. Momo and fake political slander is just another attempt to use fake news and no-truth as a weapon. It’s true. The only thing leaders want now is for us to fear, “fear” itself.
            What does God have to say? I know this seems too simple. Proverbs 18:13 Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish. Is it that simple? Check your facts first. Duh! Yet, as a human race, we have let this go. We needed to prove our parents wrong. We abandoned their fake news. It was fake and a lie to believe that sex is sacred. That prostitution was bad. That drinking and drugs are harmful. We just believe they are dead wrong.
            Now, when someone is overcome by the avails of those vices, we call them victims. Not victims of the substance, but victims of the provider. Victims of the system. Victims of chance. We are called anything but dumb, stupid, wrong, and misguided. If everyone is a victim of something, then everyone is innocent. What I’m driving at is this. In the old days a truth was that drinking too much could kill you. Today drinking too much is a byproduct of being a victim. Canadian government leaders are a victim of past political problems. Our current debt and troubles are not our fault. Are they anyone’s fault? Fake news says no, were the victim. Non-truth says others are to blame.
            So, if a teacher encourages a child to change their sex because the system identified them as transgender, it’s a win. If that child changes their mind in 20 years, they are a victim. If a drug helps a child medically it’s a win. If the child ends up a drug addict, they become a victim. Why is anyone calling for the corrupt national leader to resign. He is a victim.
            I find fake news laughable because someone posts of a death that has not happened. In the moment they believed it. Someone makes a fake news momo video and gets 3 million hits. Past that, it will go into the history books as an event. Yet, it never really happened. What happens if a country kills 3 million of its people but reports it never happened? What happens when the news reports the economy is great even if everyone is out of work? Fake news works.
            Every day I get an article from a city newscast that says housing is down and the jobs are up. They say that it’s the coldest day in 60 years and warmest winter ever. Coldest or warmest ever recorded in history? Well no, just in the last (ever) hundred years. We wanted no truth so that we could do what we wanted. Now, we can’t find truth. We can’t vote for truth. The fake news we embraced is all we have. Are you happy with that? As a humorist and old guy, this is laughable.


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