We have changed

With people we need to tread lightly. Sometimes I wish that wasn’t true. I’d love to bash some stupid idiots. Throw words of hate and vile towards those who think differently. Why? It’s because people love to judge. They love to criticize and berate. Oh, it’s not true Patrick. Really? Have you ever held vile against Trump in America, Trudeau In Canada, or the leader of North Korea? We all have it to some degree. Yet, we need to pull in the reigns. Tread ever so lightly.
At some point in time after Jesus was crucified, people changed. I’m sure judgment has always been a part of the human race. However, something charged 2000 years ago. I wonder if it was the end of our innocence? Before Jesus the elite had an opinion. The religious leaders had an opinion. Even our parents ruled. Ever so slightly, day after day and year after year, we have changed all that. Open rebellion has been growing stronger evey century. Persecution of those who think differently has increased.
We have had inquisitions, world wars, and genocide. Before Jesus? Look through history. It was not that way for the most part. People have an opinion now. Hunger, racism, religious tyranny, and political oppression has been met with an attitude. Were not going to take it anymore. At times, in history, we have had destructive moments. Check Germany, Rwanda, Turkey, and others. The extinguishing of those we can’t understand. Those who are different.
You think we are different? You believe we are beyond that? Are the genocide claims of today just a belief? Is gay or women genocide real or just a made-up cause? Rwanda and the holocaust were real. In fact, real people died. Real people hated. This generation needs to know they hate. Oh, it’s a strong word. Is it? We do hate things. To top that off, we are using fake news and social media to hate all the more. Were on a path towards tremendous death through hate. It’s coming.
What does God have to say? In Genesis 3, two people left a garden because their hearts felt cheated. They did not believe God. One chapter later their first son was killed by the second. He felt cheated too. God pleaded with Cain to master his sin that was crouching at his door. He failed. The clans that proceeded him failed too. The Bible continues from there, a theme of failed hearts hating what was in their way. Oh, that’s just the Bible. That’s what hate wants you to believe.
On Rotten Tomatoes is people responding to the movies they love and hate. Recently, there has been conflicting reviews over the movie Captain Marvel. Oh, I have an opinion too. Yet, the over four thousand reviews from the audience are twisted. Most of the hate is directed towards people and not the movie. This hate has continued into the social realm. Who hates climate change? Who hates the gay pride thing? Who hates white men? Who hates communism, democracy, or socialism? Dig deep now, sin is crouching at our doors.
It’s not about movies, books, or religion anymore. We hate people who disagree. We hate people who think different. Hating white skin is allowed. Hating political differences, philosophy, and ideology is encouraged. We are rapidly allowing hate to take us down. We are not that far from genocide. We are not that far from history repeating itself.
The worst part is where we believe we are. Hate is ok as long as we call it something else. On Rotten Tomatoes one person said they wished the Christian view would keep its mouth shut. What does a Christian view have to do with Captain Marvel? Nothing, but people do hate Jesus. They hate those who love Jesus too. That was not a jab at religion. No, it was a jab at how our heart has changed since we willfully killed the Son of God. It has changed us for the worst. If we don’t tread lightly, hate just might take us down yet again.


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