It's astounding

Its astounding to me how politics has gone south. I get it that people are fickle. We are a bunch of selfish children. We want this and don’t what that. Politicians are supposed to be successful at reading people. What do we want? What do people want to hear? The political is an art form. They are a breed that knows people. I bet if you have many terms in office. You know people really well. It’s as if overnight, the political have gone stupid.
I wonder if the art form is the key. Do these elite know people anymore? I fear it’s this way. Hard working men and women rise up and become leaders. They worked with people. They got their hands dirty. Today, we are voting in the rich. Yet, this rich have never worked. They have never washed their hands. They are raised by the people, yet they know nothing of people. Instead we have raised up wonderers. They dream of clean air and blue skies. They want to give us everything just like they received as kids.
Is it that simple? Have we raised up a generation of stupid leaders? They have the tools, but the “know how” is missing. I am confused. Trump is a business man. He knows hard work. Yet, there is something just disconnected with this man. He knows how to lead but his application of leadership is strange. In Canada, we have new leaders that want to save the planet. They believe that we all want to do it their way. Yet, hard work and saving the planet don’t mix. The political say it does. We work hard to give money to save the planet. I have never seen this amount of dysfunction and disconnect between politics and people.
It’s basic politics for thousands of years. “Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach them to fish and you have them for life.” it might be the most profound truth. Yet, politicians have decided that taking fish and giving it to others is more productive. So, some work and some receive. Yet, that is where we are. It’s a stupid gene or something. Train people to give their own fish away. Tell some people that they will receive free fish without training. It’s insane.
Basic Christianity. Work hard and give things away to those in need. Over all it’s Gods plan. Yet, modern Christian’s have gone the wrong way. We give to fund a ministry. We give to people what we think they need. We also give so that they will become a Christian. It’s all about the numbers. God never cared about numbers. In John 6 some disciples walked away. Did Jesus offer them fish to stay? No, he asked the remaining 12 if they were leaving too. Basic Christianity says God does provide. However, we have missed the work, go, sacrifice, and many other parts that are not so fluffy. The political have missed that part too.
Yes, I know politicians are not Christians for the most part. Yet, they should not be stupid either. Basic preaching 101. Know your audience. It’s the same with public speaking. Somehow today's new aged politicians have missed the mark. They preach taxes, planet saving, and saving the poor. They tell the rich that they will give all they have earned. It’s bold but stupid. It’s a test case. Can a politician be terribly unpopular and stay in power? Can they tax you to death for their cause? We had to try it, I guess.
Trump is possibly a good man and leader. We may never really know because his ideas got in the way. Your way just might not be the people’s way. It’s called govern not agenda. In Canada each province has tried to do the right thing. Take the workers pay and use it for good. The problem is ideal and reality don’t mix. Were not training fishermen. Were not raising up hard workers. Instead were taking from the poor and giving it all away.
They say that millennial's are not buying houses. They also say that these new children don’t want to buy houses. The reason we train to catch fish is the key. If people expect free fish then they won’t strive for anything. If we only give them just enough for a day then that’s all that they will want. A day is coming fast when the stupid ideals of the political will come crashing down. It seems impossible that a society could fall. Yet, Rome did. Communism did. So many other well revered societies don’t exist anymore. Read the history. The rich forgot how they got rich and then they tried to lead. It’s a disaster in the making since the beginning of time.


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