Bleeding hearts

Self esteem is a strange cat. We hate being told what to do. Harsh criticism is not taken lightly. We feel it. More people have been hurt by words than any car accident has. Sure, words don’t cut us physically, but are you sure. I know hearts bleed when they feel hurt. How many berated people sit in despair? All they needed is a kind word or group hug. Instead, they were given a word that can’t be taken back.
            As a matter of fact, what’s with women and their memories. Say one word and ten years later it comes up. This is the craziest part. You’re at a pool swimming. She comes over and splashes you. Both of you are laughing. You respond kiddingly “hey, that’s not nice.” She al of a sudden brings up a few terrible things you said or did that were not nice a decade ago. Huh? So, is it that you hurt her way back when? Or, is it a stored bank of words and actions she can use later on? Women have an amazing and deadly memory.
            It’s terrible that men get caught. I think for some women it’s a game. Let’s get him to swallow his foot. “Hunny, am I fat?” Those questions are the worst. If your silent your dead. If you respond yes, your most certainly dead. If you hesitate, waffle, or ignore it your dead, dead, dead. It’s so important to be mindful of words and actions. Sometimes though, we say the wrong thing by no fault of our own.
            I am certainly concerned with the level of victim status in our current generation. Being hurt is one thing. Playing the victim card is another. I am beginning to wonder what type of person is a career victim? I know many people that love to look good. They say things to bring people down. I have always tried to avoid harmful words. It’s not an easy Job. Yet, I don’t go looking for it to accuse people of hurting me.
            What does God have to say? It’s harsh, but I want to mention Moses. The people were helped by God. The problem became that Moses felt slighted. The Israelites were grumbling. They wanted food. They wanted water. They also said they wanted to go back to Egypt and be slaves. Moses got frustrated. Maybe he was hurt because he was trying to help. So, he tapped a rock and commanded the water to come out.
            God wanted Moses to tap the rock and God would provide. I have often wondered if Moses smoked that rock. Maybe he tried to make it look like he had magic. On a trip in Jordan we stopped at that place where they said Moses hit the rock. It was covered with a building and the rock was in a pool. The speaker said Moses magically made water come out. I guess that’s the way they figured it. yet, God was not impressed.
            I feel God was hurt. It was his plan to give them water. Moses tried to steal his thunder. Also, the Israelites were selfish and whiners. Playing the victim card. God had offered to toast the whiners at various points. God was also mad enough to deny Moses entry into the promise land. I think God does not like whiners. He does not like people playing the victim card.
            People turn around and say God has no compassion. He does not care about victims. What God does not like is collecting victim cards. So often he says be strong. In Luke 9:62 he mentions that you won’t enter heaven if your looking at the past. Seems harsh. Not allowing Moses into the promise land seems harsh too. What we fail to see is that God expects strong people. He cares for hearts that bleed. Yet, he expects us to grow and develop when are hearts are broken.
            As a culture, we are day by day sliding away from that. They say that in America people have begun to sue for wealth. It’s not about compensation half as much as money. I fear that people are beginning to put less effort into success and work. They are instead, putting time into looking for a place to be a victim. It’s stunned me in settling a family members estate that they had several files on going of suing someone. It was bad food here and a slip there. It seemed to be either bad luck or intentional
            That mentality is killing us. Yes, accidents happen. Business and people need to be responsible for their land and business. Yet, we should not be looking for an accident to happen. There are two clubs. The bleeding hearts club and the hearts that have bled club. Which one do you belong to? I believe that our planet, political culture, and society is sick directly because we put one hand on our plough while looking the wrong way. Why should God bless whiners and money grubbers?


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