grew up from my youth believing we would evolve. Misguided? I don’t know. I
believed in space travel because I witnessed a man on the moon. I believed in
equality because I saw a star trek crew that had no favoritism based on color,
race, or sex. I believed in the authorities because policemen were kind and
protecting. I’m not so sure of the government and police these days. I am
wondering a lot of things these days.
They say things in this age of false
truth and fake news I wonder about. Do we honor that? They say that this is the
age of women. Its good and bad all rolled into one. Its good because women
should be able to stand free. I fear it’s bad because it’s false. The movies depict
women as the stronger. The smarter, and the dominant. Take away society and
that becomes a bomb shell. Good luck women in that world.
Recently a transgender (woman?) was
allowed to race in a bike marathon. She or he won hands down. The third-place
lady complained. The problem is that the transgender says she is a woman. The third-place
lady disagreed. Women’s rights just went south when the governing body endorsed
the transgender. Right or wrong in this case does not matter. What matters is women’s
rights to fair competition. Boom! It’s gone in the blink of a sex change.
I am not writing to say women are
weaker. Those are arguments for the less intelligent beings. I am not writing
to defend or disagree with sex types. If you believe you’re a woman, dog,
horse, alien, or a-sexual, have at it. I don’t care. I am writing that our
dreams have faded. Women don’t grow up now looking at other women heroes. The
transgender woman has replaced that. Just ask past woman of the year Caitlan Bruce
Jenner. Men grow up looking at female heroes now. The male is lost. In the thick
of it we don’t pursue anything anymore. All that is left is a fractured
confused society that has no borders.
What does God have to say? I bet the
politically correct are sharpening their knives for me right now. I will quote
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s
clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” Why in this day
and age should I dare to quote this? To bash transgenders? To ridicule cross
dressers? If you believe that then you misread me and God. Why does God care
about gender lines? It’s about borders. God believes that defined lines helps
rather than restricts. We all need to know the line or place we can’t cross. These
days it’s blurred.
When the norm becomes blurred then
who is right? Who can we trust? Who am I when I can be anything? You see the
difference is not the freedom to be who we are. God believes in that. The problem
is in dreaming of being. Where is the end goal? Where is the path? Who leads us
there? When there is no path, heroes, or end point, then all we have is the
lost. I had a friend who said being gay was liberating. He is the most troubled
and lost person I know. Why? Because a dress or social norm does not define
your inner soul. That is what God was driving at in Deuteronomy.
I am wondering where we have arrived
at. Are people so head strong that all they see is my hatred of gay? I don’t
hate anyone. Yet, we are at a point of this: if you don’t agree with me then
you hate me. It’s flawed thinking yet that is who we are now. This is where we
are. In the movie called the Wiz. Oz, changed the color all the time to change
the flavor and mood in the city. Deep in Oz, the Wizard hid as a flawed and
scared man. No color or mood could save him or his people.
That is what God is about. He knew
that we will define ourselves by clothes, careers, and even gender. He pleads
us to avoid the trap. So, he says to not wear what you’re not. Don’t be what you’re
not. Were not in his head space. He defines us by who he made us to be. We
reject a maker. Instead we are trying to be our own potter. The problem is that
we can’t control the clay. Are we troubled, lost, floating like wind and the
waves? These days? Oh, yes, we are. And we wonder why. God doesn’t, he has known
us for thousands of years. I’m wondering why we haven’t evolved an inch.
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