Train a child

I saw this quote by Lenin that got me thinking. With all the fake news out there is this quote real? As far as I can tell it is.
“If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we have won that country. By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by giving a teenager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by strangling him with sex literature and by advertising to his and her psycho political preparation, we can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness, and worthlessness."- Lenin
Canada is heading into uncharted territory. We are legalizing drugs. Ok, to be fair, just Marijuana at this time. The quote above tells me it’s been done before. The government says it can tax it to help out government revenue streams. Seems fair. Yet, how many taxes touch gas, pop, cigarettes, and more. Government always raises those taxes. Yet, they say they need more money. Legalizing Drugs? Makes me thing government is addicted to taxes.
            Yet, what is really going on? Venezuela is having trouble being a socialist country. Russia had trouble being a communist country. For the people? Will Canada fall into this trap. Of course not, it’s Canada. Didn’t those other countries say the same things. Then there is that quote. We seem to be heading down that path. Law makers have been so fixated on changing school curriculums. The message to kids is explore yourself. What makes you feel good is good.
            It seems were playing with kids. They are an experiment. Change their minds and we get a generation to see things differently. Lenin? Hitler’s Nazi youth? Am I a dilutional alarmist? Why the kids then? Impressionable is my thought. Trusting is my thought. In Russia they killed about 100 million people who were not kids. Teach a generation or kill a generation? In Canada?
            What does God have to say? Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.” God knows what Lenin knew or visa versa. People are not going to church. Church attendance is dwindling. Train a child? Teach them to explore sex. Aids is on the rise. Train a child? We are telling kids that certain drugs are cool. Train a child?
            Recently, Canada as a whole has voted in socialist ideas. To try them out. They immediately did a few things. They put us in huge debt to pay for things we cannot afford. Secondly, they changed the schools. Thirdly, they are giving us all that we ask for. Let me ask you: do you give your kids all they ask for. Do you let them have what they desire at any cost? Of course not. Yet, many of you say this government thing is different than kids. Really? Then why have governments targeted your kids? Train a child?
            In a year after Marijuana is legal we will see two fake news reports. One will say it was a success. Another will say it’s an utter failure. Somewhere in the middle is the hidden truth. However, ten years from now we will see the results when trained children become adults. When a generation is drugged freely. What will that look like? Some say freedom. Others will say disaster.
            Here are my worthless two cents. We are willingly gambling with a country. We are willingly gambling with a future generation. Your kids. It appears it’s ok, it’s cool. I feel two things. One, is that it’s going to be a mess. People are people. They will always take what’s freely given too far. Alcohol, sex, war, divorce, abortion, and many more previously frowned upon things. Secondly, a part of me thinks it’s hilarious. We believe in the process. It will work out. Tell that to 100 million innocent people in Russia who believed in the people’s party. Oh, you can’t they are dead, dead, dead.


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