Fairy tales and Unicorns
14:8 “The wisdom of the prudent is to
give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.”
24:11 “and many false prophets will
appear and deceive many people.”
I am not the first or the last person who believes in
mystical prophesy. Unfortunately, I am seeing it played out right before my
eyes. Trust me, I’d rather have all my teeth pulled than cry warnings of doom. I
would never walk around with a sign on my neck saying the end is near. Yet, is
it near? I am sure Jews in 1940 thought so. I am sure Jews in 100 AD. Thought so.
What did the Russian people think in 1812? What about 1994 in Rwanda? I am sure
people inside of terror thought it was the end.
In North America, we feel safe. How safe? Prophesy is
cute. Debt talk is cute. Actually, it gives my eyes exercise as I roll them. Who
cares? 20 years ago, in Greece. 20 years ago, in Venezuela. There are places in
time and all over the world that thought it was the best of times. Clearly, they
thought the opposite too. Yet, has anyone ever really thought the end was near?
I never wanted to be a Christian until tragedy hit me. Within that, I can’t
believe I am a Christian near the end. Why me?
Over and over in the Bible and in church I hear that
Satan is the father of lies. It’s all blah to me. We hear it over and over. I
read articles that spell doom for my country financially. I have heard to voices.
One says debt is fictitious. We just cry alarm. Others say it is real and we
will crumble under it. The three countries I mentioned above were promising
economies 20 years ago. Actually, they were expected to be front runners in the
world. In a short 20 years all has changed. They are in ruin economically,
financially, and civilly. Mirage? Those in very long lines for food don’t buy
your answer.
What does God have to say? Well, I quoted God above.
We are in that weird prophesy, lie, truth, fool spot. What is the truth? What is
real? Some say there is no deception. It is what it is. I have looked at
several lists from different sources on debt. They all have different numbers
but what is consistent is three things. One is that the position of countries in
debt. Canada has risen to sit around tenth in the world. What astounds me is
debt ratio. Venezuela and Greece for instance have a much lower debt rate than
someone like Canada. A second point is America. They have the most debt. Deception
comes in many forms says God.
Is America immune to debt? Are they immune to financial
ruin? What the hell is debt ratio and who cares? It’s like this. The province of
Ontario has a debt of almost 349 billion. Who cares. The state of California
owes around 1.3 trillion. Again, your boring me. How do 12 million Ontarians
pay a debt compared to 39 million Californians? It comes back to the deception
rule. Is prophesy of lies and deception worth a hill of beans? Can 3 pay back
debt better than 1?
Time after time we hear from politicians that things
are good. “Things are good” they said in Greece 20 years ago. Debt is just a
part of us. Oh, that is true. I just read a financial report from an economist
group that believes were being told lies. They equally said people don’t care. It’s
all fairy tales and unicorns to them. When I became a Christian, they told me
right away that Jesus will return. “When”, I asked? They told me when things go
bad. When lies mount. When deception runes amuck. Oh great, are we there yet? That
talk seems like fairies and unicorns.
Yet, we know the truth. We know debt. People crumble in
debt all the time. We hear it in the news. Countries fall into economic crisis
all the time. We hear it in the news. Yet, North American public debt is a mirage.
Country debt is not that bad. Have you ever thought, what would cause society
to crumble? What really caused Venezuela to have a beautiful country turn into
ruin in a short 20 years? Lies and deception? Who saw it coming when it all
looked so good?
Enough, this is boring stuff. It’s fairy tales and
unicorns. Fair enough. Cries of destruction in good times are lies. I will
leave you with this to chew on. Jesus is quoted in Matthew 24 saying:
“Nation will rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and
earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” I know, I know: it’s just prophesies, fairytales and
unicorns, or ramblings from a stupid book. Who cares?
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