The next one
is the next one? The leader of your state, country, or city? I find it
interesting the level of distain for the leadership. I also find it interesting
the level of arrogance from leadership. The more people hate them the smarter
they believe they are. Recently, the Ontario government changed leadership. The
outgoing leader said she believed in what she accomplished. Her party got hit so
hard that they have lost accreditation as a party. Yet, she would never admit wrong.
The fake Prime Minister of Canada needs
Ontario to win an election. Yet, he is bashing them to make his point. Why on
earth would he do that? Did it make the voters happy? The level of disconnect between
vote and leader is amazing these days. It’s like they don’t really know the
other exists. Yet, they need each other. Talk about a dysfunctional
Somehow, we believe that the fabric
of this society cannot fall. Many television shows depict the falling of the nation
these days. Yet, on a personal level we don’t believe it. Can it happen? Oh, I
believe it can, but how when, and by whom? How can this disconnect continue? Certainly,
the rules being made by minority groups can’t continue. I can feel the anger
out there. It has to burst sometime doesn’t it?
There always is a peaceful solution.
There always is a good way through. We can work together. Yet, we won’t do any
of that. Why? The speeches say we can and will. The signs and marches say we
can and will. Yet, we won’t, can’t, and don’t. I just did a fun study of 1970’s
music. Before 1975, we had happy songs. Believe it or not the themes were all
about getting along and peace. Yet, after 1975, something changed. Relationship,
sex, and government anger began to infect the songs.
What does God have to say? Matthew
12:43-45 “When an impure spirit comes out
of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44
Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds
the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes
with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live
there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is
how it will be with this wicked generation.”
We can talk peace. We can create
programs. We can even make laws to keep order. I suppose we can try and sweep
evil out of our hearts. Yet, it’s what remains that concerns God. If were all
equal. If we all think alike. In a way we become empty houses. There is nothing
identifiable inside that makes us who we are. The Bible believe that is how
unrest enters our lives. We make room for discontent, anger, and frustration.
I will admit that the leadership in
our nations is ridicules. Across the board from work to politics we have
terrible leaders. Somehow, they believe they were hired because they are
smarter than the rest. Boy, is that far from the truth. Even the voter believes
their choice is a smart one. Yet, within 4 years we think those leaders are stupid.
Ok, so we hate the current
leadership. When what? Let’s sweep clean the house of leadership. Let’s get rid
of corruption. Start over. Then what? The Bible says that’s a big no, no. It’s
a mistake of epic proportions. Look what happened in Russia. The Tsar out and
Stalin in. In Germany, the World war 1 leaders out and Hitler in within 20
years. Even in Iraq. Saddam out and what’s in now. Is there peace, comradery,
and rebuilding? Oh no, it went from bad to much worse in all of them.
New leadership might come in America
soon. New leadership could even come in Canada, but I doubt it. Who? What will they
do that is different than 20 years ago? What ideas will be better than 40 years
ago? What is wrong in our streets? Has anything changed in 50 years? Oh, yes it
has changed. It’s 10 times worst. They say they will fix it. They will sweep in
new changes. The key is sweep.
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