Struggling in silence

Struggling in silence
Experts say that we must communicate. We must open up about our struggles. In the Bible it says the truth will set you free. I know we believe that. With all our being, we believe that telling the truth is the best policy. Getting our burdens off our back is all we want. Yet, it’s human nature to be silent. Why is it not human nature to talk? Yet, we seem to do a lot of that.
            The talk is a mask. Some people are angry a lot. Others talk a ton in gibberish. I wonder if what’s on the inside is burning up the outside. What I mean is they are nervous, stressed, or confused. So, they talk a lot to relieve the pressure. It’s like people who fidget. Some work too much. Others party too much. Yet, all of us portray an outward appearance of normalcy. Inside though, it’s not normal.
            I have read many books that tell me ways to communicate better. Ways to express my inner feelings. The best policy you can do is have a friend. Someone who you could tell all. The problem is finding one. Usually we don’t want to hear it. It’s a sign of weakness. Yet, I believe that the reason we don’t confide in another is because it reminds us of our own inability to fix this mess.
            So, we sit in silence. Holding on to the things that burn us. I think that is where road rage comes from. People drive in silence. They think. Music soothes the soul. Yet, we see the inner struggle on the road. Some are slow. Others drive fast. Some just drive however they want. It’s messing with our inner bubble. We are trying to work stuff out in our cars. In the meantime, it’s affecting other people. Hence the road rage.
            What does God have to say? Philippians 4:7 says “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” It’s a concept. Yes, it’s application too. I suppose if we truly accepted Jesus as our answer then we would be calmer. Yet, the inner war gets in the way. We can confess, but we still think. To say you need Jesus is hollow without something else. A Bible verse is good, but what is missing?
            Jesus is the answer but how? Is it magical? Why do so many Christians struggle privately if Jesus is the answer? Maybe Jesus is not the answer? You see, Jesus is, but we don’t do it his way. The real Jesus spoke his mind. The real Jesus communicate honestly with people. The real Jesus spent time talking to God the Father in prayer. I think in the garden we hear Jesus as honest as it gets. He says "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
            That s a real expression. Even Jesus didn’t want to die for us all. Yet, he was willing. He stressed over it. To the point that he sweated blood. That is real stress. Yet, Jesus did not hide. He told God the Father his inner thoughts. He expressed himself to Peter and others. Jesus says he can carry our burdens. That means we can talk to him. We can express ourselves. The idea that Jesus is our peace only comes through talking. Not just talking but expressing. Road rage and anger comes from bottling it up.
            The trouble is that we say we are fine. That is our first mistake. The second trouble is saying were not. We tend to lose friends that way. They don’t want their good day to be mired by your bad day. Yet, we need them. So, we bottle up in silence. That silence we are stuck with is killing us. Boiling inside like a furnace without any air ducts.
The good thing about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is that they are always there listening. The bad thing is finding people that want to listen. A relationship with Jesus is not just a saying. Jesus did it with his own Father in Heaven. He did it with only twelve close friends. Within that, he only really had three close friends. Within that he really had only one: Peter. It only takes one good friend to confide in. It would make a world of difference to your life.
If no humans exist that you can talk to, then begin with Jesus. He did say he would never leave or forsake us. I also believe that God will provide. A human friend? Let’s look for ways to express our inner fears. Who really wants to burn inside in silence. You have to start somewhere.


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