Is the christian to blame?

The other day the Alberta School board told a Christian school they could no longer teach only hederal relationships as in the Bible. Their license to operate was being revoked. There are several things I find it an interesting discussion. As a Christian I believe in the Bible. Yet, I am left looking at this issue through different eyes. Unchristian eyes? No, I believe, but I do live in this world. What do they see?       
            I am laughing. Those who do not believe in God are offended by something a nonexistent God says. Why do they care? I am on their side sadly. If you want to sleep with your own sex, have at it. Your free to be sexual with what you want. Interestingly enough a girl was charged with trying to have sex with a dog. Can we really have it both ways? Didn’t God want limits on sex? Does the world too?
            Is the Christian to blame for this mess? I say yes and no. Interestingly the Muslims are not asked to revoke their beliefs. They have some too. This is personal because the fingerprint of God is on our hearts. This fight is towards that and nothing else. This is not all on God and his word. The Christians should shoulder some of the blame. This religion has looked down it’s very long nose at society for a long time. In the back ground they sin better than most. Society sees their sin too.
            Gay bashing by Christians was needless. Adultery bashing and immoral behavior did not need to be scrutinized outside the church. We have so many problems inside the church. Our focus on the dirt in this world has hurt all involved. The Christian was supposed to love more than most. Instead they hated more than most. The riff between us and them has never been bigger and never been smaller. This world has gone bad. The Christian church has joined them too. It’s a mess.
            Then there is God. Where does the nonexistent God fit in the mess? Why do both sides care? Oh, but they do passionately. 1 Corinthians 4:6 is daunting “so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other.” Isn’t that it in this fight? Two sides reading Gods word and taking it farther than it needs to go.
            If God is judge then who gave Christians the right to look down on this world. We are told we are not of this world. We belong to Gods world. God did not tell us to hate, criticize, bash, and reject this world. If God so loved the world that he gave his Son to die for all who sin then who has a right to judge? Ironically, the world has taken the word and used it to fight back. How dare us judge. How dare us teach God’s word with arrogance and pride? The Christian is partly to blame solely because we refused to love first. If you kept on punching someone, wouldn’t they eventually hit back?
            Two things. One is the world. Things were supposed to go badly. It has by the way. Why are we fighting a clearly rotten world? Jesus can’t return until the time of the gentiles is complete. The gentiles (the world) is doing their thing. Have at it world. It’s working right? Deeper in sin, debt, debauchery, and drugs. Have at it.
            Secondly, is the church. You change the definition of sin every week. First it was smoking, adultery, or wearing a bikini. Now it’s porn, gay marriage, or being of the wrong denomination. We were told to feed the world. To visit those who are struggling. To be the hands and feet of love. Oh, that isn’t happening unless it looks sexy. Is it in the budget? On this year’s 12-month plan? Church cares far too much about church and not the world we ironically live in.
            The best part is that both sides are sliding into the end of times. Both are yelling, screaming, and accusing the other in a free fall. In the middle is Gods word. It has not changed but we all have. People have changed. Word meaning has changed, yet Gods word remains. All the things that have caused people trouble (sin) still causes trouble. Our view of sin has changed but sin has remained the same. Society might fall. The church might fall (already has). The reason there is a fight is because we have taken Gods word farther than it should go. Were all to blame for that or there would not be a fight.


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