829 mistaks

Who’s counting? Apparently, I am. I’ve made 829 mistakes in my life. Not one more or one less. Yes, yes, I know my Ex says it’s 1372 but she’s wrong! It’s only 829 dang it. I was at about 200 when the social media thing happened. It’s been a rapid increase since then. I love the social media. It loves me too. Loves me making mistakes. I can guarantee that I will delete 4 posts during a year. That’s pretty good. Yet, the mistakes mount.
            If rolling our eyes was an exercise, I’d be Arnold Schwarzenegger. The fit of the fittest. It appears I love to blow it. I love to make mistakes. Add the social media thing and you get the perfect recipe. In my first marriage I said dumb things. In divorce 12 years later, she still brought it up. In my recent marriage the one stupid thing (only one) I said is still used against me. Why can’t they see I love making mistakes? It’s who I am.
            There is passion in me. I really hate some things. I used to live with bad behavior towards me. Now I fight back. I’m the bad behavior batman. Saving humanity from needless words and actions. Yet, it’s cost me bigtime. I made mistake 512 when I tried to help fix a bad relationship. Lost two friends in that one. Mistake number 53 was picking the wrong girlfriend. Cost me plenty on that one too. I personally like number 10 because it’s where I thought I was smarter than my parents. Not!!
            Sure, we all make mistakes but none more than me. How do I know? Well, because I have been fortunate to be surrounded by mistake finders. We go together like hand in glove. I am candy to them. Mistake number 71 was not being silent at church. Mistake number 333 was leaving the toilet seat up. oh, dear that one cost me. I am forgetful. I can’t remember what number that mistake is. Lucky for me the mistake finders are good reminders too.
            What does God have to say? Here is a doozy. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says “do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character.” To me, it means surround yourself with people who accept mistakes. Get rid of mistake finders. God wants us to be honest. People certainly don’t want us to be honest. I had a bad run with mistakes 600-700. I spoke the truth too much. I had heard that honestly is the best policy. Just don’t tell people the truth. The truth hurts. Ya, hurts the mistake king.
            I love to post and tweet. It’s fun. Yet, my fingers type faster than my brain. My post checker isn’t that fast. This last week alone I’ve deleted 4 posts. I meant well but it came out wrong. They are mistakes. Some mistakes are practically unavoidable. I have passion towards the church. I detest how some fun-loving Christians treat pastors and people. Equally I can’t stand pastors that treat people as an asset. There people stupid! Oh, dear I might have just committed mistake 830. My pastor could read this and think I’m thinking of him. I’m not. However, shouldn’t we hold people accountable? Don’t we get into trouble when people run amuck? Certainly, the mistake finders think so. Yet, when I point things out it’s apparently different. Because, I fear, someone is counting.
            I have told people I will make mistakes. Some people say I should do better than that. Yet, I know me. I know people too. We all make mistakes but some are not counting their own. It’s much more fun counting others. Are you a Trump mistake counter? How about a religious mistake finder? A spouse advisor? Maybe you only look for mistakes at work. Social media has magnified the problem of mistakes.
            Here is my thought on it. Humans are mistake creatures. We learned from the environment mistakes. We learn from racial mistakes. We have punished wrongly. We have judged wrongly. Recently we have decided to correct past wrongs by freeing up prostitutes, drugs, and sex. Will they be mistakes of a future past? Most likely, yet who’s counting. Somehow, we are smarter today and make fewer mistakes than our fathers. Not our mothers because they are female. I am learning. Waiting eagerly for mistake number 831.


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