Being healthy

            Recently I have had several people I worked with retire. That should not be surprising considering I’m 50. What was surprising is hearing a year or two later that they died. It happens a lot. My dad is over 70 and has no plans to retire. I wonder why. It makes me think about my great grandfather who lived to over 95. He was always busy doing something. In the end his mind went before his body. I have been asking myself why as I begin the process of retiring in the next 10 years.
            I know that when I see the doctor he marvels at the healthy hearts that a letter carrier has. I am in somewhat good shape. My health band says I am above 80% of my age class in fitness. Maybe that’s the key? When these healthy mailmen retire, why do they not last very long? I see that serval die from cancer, but some it’s a heart attack or a skin disease. Gee this is a pleasant blog this week. Actually it can be. I am reflecting because I will retire. I don’t want death to ruin it. So what’s the way to avoid death and remain healthy? That depends on your definition of healthy.
            I think it comes down to a statement in the Bible. Why does a statement from a pastor always have to be from the Bible? It’s my passion what can I say. Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Jesus repeats it in Matthew 22. Why I like it is the breakdown of healthy living. When I retire I want my soul to be at peace. What that means is content with myself and content with God. Part of that is a healthy heart physically and mentally.
            What is God getting at? God insists that he made us. If he is right, then God has an interest in our lives. He wants us to be stress free. He says he will take out burdens. He asks us to not worry. He says he will avenge us. There is nothing in our lives that we truly need to be upset and nervous about. God is in the comfort business. The problem always arises when we want to control our own lives apart from God. I think that is where the unhealthy soul sets in. it’s a vicious circle of stressing out the heart and sapping our strength.
            I wear a fit band. It has been the best thing for me. It warns me if I am eating unhealthy. It warns me if I am sleeping poorly. Is my heart rate too high? It my salt intake too high? Spending money at restaurants hurts the pocket book and the heart. I get all that from a fit band. This brings me back to a healthy soul. I think people are dying too fast because their whole body experience is sick. The Bible is not wrong. Loving God is healthy for life and death.
            They call Jesus the prince of peace. I get it that religion does not bring happiness. Yet, worrying does bring pain and stress. Day to day living will be tough. We live in an ugly world. At least we could be at peace with ourselves and God? Isn’t that worth something? Why add to the ugliness of this place? I think that way too many people leave the workforce carrying stress, disappointment, and unhealthy living habits. The whole package is devastating when they realize their working life is over. I believe it does not have to be that way.

            They say that sport is 10% talent and 90% mental. Is life the same way? We think that believing in God is trouble or boring. Maybe believing is part of who we are. We are certainly interested in the spiritual. Have you ever wondered why? I think it’s because it is intertwined with the physical. Spiritual and mentally healthy living will inspire you. Eating and exercising will inspire your heart and mind. Maybe loving our heart and soul is worth something to your body over the years. Maybe that’s what God has been telling us for thousands of years.


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