As time flies

            How time flies when you’re having fun. I can remember playing in the dirt as a kid. There was not a care in the world. Sexual orientation did not exist. As a kid I just had fun. Life was about dreaming. Dreaming of being a hero, astronaut, and making a difference. I love songs that remind us of the good times. Who wants to dwell on the bad?
            I was sitting today in a chair looking at a wedding setup. My son will be married there tomorrow. My how time flies. He was sitting on the floor looking at me with a bottle in his mouth not so many years ago. I can remember his first goal in soccer. I had dreams for him on the day he was born. I must admit he has exceeded them all. Life speeds along and we find ourselves starring at the mirror of time wondering where all the lines on my face came from. Well they came from time spent watching our kids and ourselves grow up.
            I have football playing on the TV while I write. I find it strange, to this day, that I can text my kid, write a blog, and check my iPad all at the same time. Not so long ago I remember brining home our first VCR. I recall 9/11 but that was 15 years ago. Some of those who died would be watching their kids get married this year too. My life span has stretched from before man was on the moon to beyond the internet.
            I sit here thinking of where my kid’s new life with a new wife will take him. I marvel at where time has taken me. Has everything been invented? Have all the great songs been sung? Will we ever find peace in this world? Yesterday another black kid in America got killed. Today more cops were slain in Dallas. Part of me wonders if it was like that when I was a kid? I doubt it but who knows. I bet the leaders back then never envisioned the trouble we’ve seen.
            What is time to God? I understand God and time this way. God always has time. They say he sits transcendent outside of time. He can touch the past and present all at the same time. He never panics because time has no meaning. I suppose there is always time for him. Solomon wrote in ecclesiastics that there is a time and place for everything under the sun. Jesus said not to worry because there are enough troubles to deal with today. The Bible seems to say that there is time to get life lived for most of us.
            I’m looking at my boy as he talks with the boys he grew up with. They are all men now. What does the future with time hold for them? Are they safe? Will they have children? As time flies for them will it be all they hoped it would be? Will their kids find the time to play in the dirt or is that a thing of the past. Will my future generations make this world a better place to live? I suppose only time will tell.
            Technology has made my life more interesting. I have to make an effort to go outside and see the world. Some say the world has gone mad. Travel and adventure are things of the past because of terrorism. Is that the way I had envisioned my life all those years ago? I dreamed of spaceships and computer games. I believed the stories the dreamers told us in science fiction stories. Much of the past dreams have come true. We have flown in space and can communicate across the world with hand held devices. I wish my boy well tomorrow as he moves his life forward. His new wife and him have time ahead of them to make it what they want.

            Don’t waste the time your given. Remember the dreams you had and fulfill them. There is a time for everything. Plan, hope, and dream for a better world. Maybe if we’re lucky bad days with terrorists and mass shootings will be stories we told from darker times. Maybe instead we can dream of big weddings, kids playing in the dirt, and traveling farther and faster than ever before. I’d like to believe that is what time is really made of.


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