How things changed

            There was a moment when I was stuck between my old life and a new future. I had been kicked out of my first marriage and was sitting in my truck with all I had (one towel). I had heard stories of guys living in their vehicles because they had no money or place to go. For about an hour I stared into the truck mirror contemplating the same thing. As it was, I sucked up my pride and returned to my parents’ house a humiliated and humbled man. That is when life began to change.
            My New wife was in a province that was not hers. She and her small daughter wanted a new life. A chance to start over. At one point she was faced with a moral dilemma in the place she was staying. For an instant there was a moment in time between knowing what to do. If I leave then where will we go. How will we survive. How will I pay for the life ahead? She was faced with these questions like I was. If we had not stepped into the unknown, it is quite possible life may have gone badly.
            Two people in different situations. Two people trying to make the right and good choices. Almost 12 years later how things have changed. My wife was dirt poor in a little apartment with a small autistic child. What was her future? I was divorced and living in a trailer with a mouse infested car. What did my future hold? Two people one month before thought life would be hard. One month later two people find each other and realize life is just a race to be won.
            Since that time we have built a house, had about 7 cars, 10 trips all over the world, and two careers. I am just dumb founded at the success we have enjoyed because we took a chance on the unknown. Life has been full of humbleness and trials, but it has also been full of incredible adventures. It did not look that way just over 12 years ago. The reason I am boasting is because sometimes it looks bad, but sometimes good things are just around the corner. Patience, humbleness, and pride need to be held in check when things go wrong. Usually life has a way of setting things right if we are willing to wait.
            What does God have to say about life. Paul in the Bible, talks about running a race in 1 Corinthians 9 and 2 Timothy 4. He points out all the trouble he has had. Yet, he points out he is happy finishing the race. God tells us at the end of the book of Job that through trials: blessings and abundance may come back. Just ask millionaires that lost it all and gained it back. They run the race more than dwell on bad times. That is what God is asking us to do.
            It is amazing how things have changed for us. Time has been kind to our broken hearts. I don’t know if time heals all wounds but maybe it softens them a bit. We leave tomorrow on a cruise for the first time. We are not rich but we do ok. Life is fun because we have worked hard. I think compared to others God has spoiled us. We have had it easy. It sure did not seem that way 12 years ago. We have had to fight in this race. We have had problems, but the good times have been many.
            We set sail tomorrow leaving behind our house, new car, good jobs, and a fine life for a week. This is really not a boast. It’s an offer to look at the bad times differently. I feel curses are small blessings just waiting to bloom. Good times outweigh the bad times. We just dwell on the bad way too much. I know what it’s like to have and have not. I also know that the race seems short but life is long. A lot happens day to day.

            Embrace your life. God made you a certain way to enjoy life a certain way. When crap happens be confident that good times are waiting for you. It’s not the best thing to make good times. Some of those decisions will come back to bite you. Be patient and wait for life to work things out. The unknown fuels our sense of adventure. It’s scary and thrilling all at the same time. Do you really want a boring life? It’s not about changing partners that does it. It’s about changing an attitude to make life an amusement park. Feed your character so that it thrives. It’s possible you are a blessing for someone special just down the road.


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