People are so serious

            I sound like a broken record for those who know me. After divorce everything is never the same. If you were raped, then life is never the same. The families of two boys killed in an accident are never the same. Things happen that change our perspective on life. Life might become worthless or precious depending on your view. I think extreme sport people have got it all right. Life is to be lived even to the death.
            I realized about 15 years ago that people are not who they claim to be. People say one thing this week and change their mind the next. The masks we wear are getting old to me. Why cannot people: just be real? Is it so hard to liven up just a little? Every day is a blessing to me. If it snows, then winter is a challenge. If it’s hot, then I try and enjoy it. Trust me, I hate the eternal optimist, but they do live for a better life. Sometimes they are so positive that they let the little things go unattended. We are all, really, who we are.
            Yesterday I made a statement on Facebook partly out of spite of serious people. You see, my ex-wife has her birthday on valentine’s day. My new (old) wife is not big on valentines to begin with, and she would prefer to celebrate our relationship on a different day than my ex’s birthday. I decided to play with people in social media. I posted that I was torn between celebrating valentines with the wife and my ex’s birthday. The comments went totally off the rails. People take what they read way too seriously. Can’t they see a dumb comment or joke when it’s plainly before them? People are so serious.
            There are hundreds of websites that want to get their view out on issues and political life. They post things that are slightly false because they love to ruin the other point of view. What astounds me is people posting these articles as if their fact. The rage inside the comments astounds me. People (me included) get so angry over statements without even knowing the facts. I knew a girl who could swear like a trouper. She told jokes that were less than nice at times. However, she had no problem with burying someone for insulting her in a friendly jab. What it comes down to is our bubble. Respect my space, but don’t enter mine unless I let you. Oh, by the way, I can enter yours all I want.
            What does God think about people? God thinks a lot about people. The whole Bible is a human history book. Humans enter Gods space and then they proceed to ruin it over the centuries. Take Jesus for instance. He healed thousands. He touched the lives of thousands too. There was an understanding that he was their savior from the Romans. The problem was that he came as the savior of their sins, not the Romans. Within three years Jesus went from hopeful savior to condemned on a cross. He stood with the people right to the end forgiving them for their ignorance of the truth. People wanted relief from the Romans not their evil desires. Save my bubble Jesus while popping the bubble of the enemy.
            They say that Jesus wore the weight of the sinful world on his shoulders the day he died. All that people desired hung on the cross. Jesus died so they could live within their bubble. That is where we are today with social media. We hang our bubble out there for all to see. Just don’t poke the bear (bubble). If I believe something, then believe me. If I rebuke you then say you’re sorry. If I believe your wrong, then change your mind to be like me. People are nuts. Do you really think I would celebrate my ex’s birthday on valentine’s day with my new (old) wife? Of course not knucklehead, yet you believed I would. You blasted me because humor is beyond you. Life is so serious because it makes you look good being mature. Really?

            Oh that’s not humor pat. You need to take your relationships seriously. Right. There is a funny thing that happens at church. People put their hand in the giving bag to look like they are giving. I see it all the time. People condemn others without the facts because their own opinion is more important than the relationship. I have had life ripped from my heart. What is left is me. I want life back but I’m not going to kill you to get it. I pay my bills, work hard, and laugh a lot. Is that serious enough for you?


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