B.Y.O.S: Bring your own sled

I few nice teenagers decided to break in to a closed Olympic facility in the middle of the night. They brought their own sled to run down the bobsleigh track. Afterwards, two are dead and several injured. Imagine that! The out pouring of sympathy has caught my attention. I thought stupid is what stupid does? The public seems to disagree. These victims have fallen victim to tragedy instead of stupidity.
            In this day and age, the public has turned its heart towards sympathy over common sense. The fact that a real bob sleigh can go excess of 120 Mph is no big deal. The professional ones have breaks and the kiddie ones don’t. A helmet might be useful. Oh, and were drugs involved? I’m sure that had nothing to do with their decision to be unprofessional on a professional ice track. What could possibly go wrong?
            So the outpouring continues. These poor innocent children were lead a stray by signage they didn’t understand. I guess do not enter, stop, danger, and a host of other signage is illegal. Why restrict common sense going down an ice track at 1:30 in the morning. I suppose the dark might be the problem too. I hope the parents sue the Olympic committee for not giving proper training to their children. So what if they didn’t ask. They are the victim and society is the villain.
            What does God have to say about common sense. Well, God tends to use uncommon sense in most things.  He told Gideon to use warriors that drink water a certain way. He told Joshua to sing and march around a wall for seven days. He used a donkey to carry Jesus into Jerusalem rather than a war horse. Better yet, God killed “Jesus” the leader to start the Christian movement. God uses unconventional means to accomplish his purpose.
            So why does that not apply to you and me in the middle of the night on an ice race track? Maybe it’s because we are not God. Maybe it’s because it takes training to slide down an ice hill at 120 mph. Maybe it’s stupid to break into things that say do not enter. I suppose it’s our fault for not posting signs that tell us to not touch a camp fire. Training our children to have common sense just might be Gods fault. He is so reckless in all he does.
            All kidding aside, the story of these teens is a sad one. Obviously we, the society have failed them. Drugs are fine if used properly. Do not enter training does not happen as often as it should. BYOB is replaced with bring your own sled. I heard the other day that one third of all car accidents are caused by drugs. Whose fault is that? Is it “Do drugs responsibly” fault? Is it Gods fault because we are entitled to have fun? Maybe the Olympic committee should be open at 1:30 for the kids? Either way we are training our children to have rights even when it appears they were wrong.

            In the very old days’ things were wrong. Lighting fires and stealing was wrong. Break and enter was wrong. Talking back to older people was wrong. Disrespecting the authorities was wrong. Today we are misunderstood. The government and authorities are the bad guys. Criminals are victims. Victims are people in the wrong place. Criminals have a right to be there but victims don’t. Do you really think our children are not listening to what we believe these days? The outpouring of sympathy for stupid children is sending a message. Children: do what you want because you are victims in all you do, even if it’s stupid.


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