Odd times in reality

           We may be at a cross road as a human race. I wonder if extinction means disaster or it’s time to move on. Did Dino’s live till it was time to go or was their really a comet. Think about it: climate change, disease, and terrorism have stalled our growth as a species. Humans have become their own worst enemy. We risk out children’s air in the name of industry. Is China really concerned for its future air quality? Do Muslims in the Middle East think about children when they cause a riot? Oh, they say they do, but within all this: children die, and countries die.
            In Canada we were very healthy economically about two years ago. What happened? How did the Saudis all of a sudden have so much oil that they flooded the market? The debt in Alberta and Canada is astounding with in about a 100 days. One fella I was talking to said who cares about debt, fiscally responsible (former Prime Minister) Stephan Harper was the bad guy. People can’t stand Obama but they equally hate Donald Trump for President of the United States. Strange thing is that leadership around the world has gone south.
            What we had was no good (so they say). What we do and will have is clearly awkward. In several countries we get one type of leader. In the Middle East, the choice is terrorist or moderate. In North America we get hardliner or Liberal peace activists. There is no all-encompassing world leader. Solomon wrote there is a time for everything. We need leaders that stick up for the people, but govern with a steady hand. They can fight and love. Today we either get fight or love. Modern governments only view the world one way.
            So we vote in people that will fight for Marijuana or religion. We support people who stand up for social rights and jobs. We rally for a cause. Do we ask for responsible government? Well yes and no. We view responsible as standing up for the things we believe in. Around the world, what we believe in, won’t run a government the right way. Ideology does not balance budgets, create industry, and keep a nation safe. Did it work for China and Russia? Did it work for heavy debt ridden Greece? The debt of America and Canada is real. To fix it would impede our social agenda and that just won’t do.
            What does God have to say about Voting. Well not very much but He did notice governments of the day. Take a look at Mark 12 Jesus says “Bring Me a denarius to look at.”  They brought one. And He *said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at Him.
            To Jesus, this is not rocket science. He knew that governments ask for money and they parade themselves on money and with statues. The most interesting part is that the people were challenging Jesus to take over, yet he did nothing of the sort. In a way he honored the government of the day by acknowledging their authority. Paying taxes and giving your due to society is in the plan of God. There is nothing in the Bible about building debt, fighting for social justice (Jesus said we will ALWAYS have the poor), and having Christianity take over. Jesus and God the Father lived for doing the right thing.
            Is it right for Obama to fight for health care? Is it right for Trudeau to fight for drugs? Is it responsible for Putin to put Russia first? On a small scale the answer is yes. If the people vote it in, then it’s the will of the community. Does that mean that budgets and safety must suffer? When it comes to trouble you can’t have it both ways. Trouble loves you to look one way while it comes in the other. The Trojan horse comes into your house several different ways. It’s always has and always will.

            The worker at Canada Post lost when the union started fighting for social justice. The work related issues have suffered greatly. Canada had become debt ridden because it voted in social change as opposed to running boring government. The same can be said in America. Social change was the flavor of the day, but debt and stalled government is all they got. The Middle East will always be a dirt pile of rubble because they look passionately towards an agenda. Debt, poverty, and death has always followed those that push an agenda, just ask Russia and Germany. What are we looking for these days? You just might find it was boring government that let the community work out its social agendas. We are in odd times within reality.


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