Do we take children serious?

           I am 50 but a huge part of my day is being a child. I love video games. I love being outside mucking it up. Stupid videos make me laugh. Who wants to grow up if you don’t have too? Being a child is so important. Life passes us by so fast. I miss playing in the dirt and learning things I don’t know. Responsibility is good, but once you get it, the child seems to fade away.
            I like a healthy balance between being a kid and an adult. Of course I dreamed of growing up (still dreaming). Now that I’m here, I dream of being a kid again. What would I do differently? Yesterday, I was talking with my dad about the past. Ironically, I remember more than him about his life. I guess as a kid I recorded events in my heart. I remember things my parents said and did because they meant something to me. Really I am amazed at what I recalled.
            I wonder if we take raising children serious enough. We are influenced by the littlest things in our childhood. I can remember little details my parents can’t remember. I guess life has molded and shaped me by the things adults did. Funny that standing on the road waiting to see the Queen drive by made me a monarchy lover. Playing lacrosse made me a lacrosse nut. A teacher challenged me in grade 8 to excel and the next year I did. Adult interacting shaped me. I remember.
            Recently a battle has ensued between different philosophy’s on how to raise kids. The liberal media and teaching professions have decided what kids need to be in healthy environments. Sexual orientation is there big thing. They believe with all their hearts that they were brought up in a restrictive world sexually. These leaders of children want to blow open the doors on freedoms we never had as kids. Is that a good thing? I don’t share their enthusiasm, but we will find out in the near future who is right and wrong. It’s becoming a child experiment.
            What does God have to say about raising kids? Interestingly enough God just might be on the liberal side. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” I can tell you that it works in both ways. I have been trained by my parents and peers. In so many ways I am everything they were. On the other hand, I wish they asked me who I wanted to be. Gods proverb really means that we are made a certain way. Peers are to find out what that way is and grow it. Far too often we train kids to grow our way and not theirs.
            The trouble I have is that, as a kid, I remember quite a bit. I have been affected quite a bit too. What adults thought on subjects has shaped me. What is troubling: the agenda these days. The liberal community has a vision of what kids should think. They are changing the landscape to model that view. Is this a good view for kids? Should we abandon sexual differences for the common good of our children. Are we different? The liberal world says no. women and men are just restrictive terms. I guess we will find out as this generation of children are experimented on by the liberal powers at be.
            Proverbs 22 thinks that we are individuals. It believes we have been made for a purpose. It believes that collectively we are individuals that work together for a common goal. Each one of us has his or her spot in this common goal. This new agenda wants to restrict the individual in favor of the common thought. The book 1984 makes me shudder. I can’t believe that society still is trying to create the perfect race. It’s stunning really. Each child is different, ask any parent. Still this new movement wants to restrict creativity and shape a generation to think and believe the same things. This is madness just like Hitler was madness.

            Children remember a ton. It’s a lot more than you think. We adults, are supposed to train our children to be themselves when they get old. We are not supposed to train them to be a mini me. All the differences that we have enjoyed could be lost. Everything we enjoy came from out of the box thinkers. If the goal is to keep every child in one box, then society is in trouble. Where are the dreamers? Where are the individuals that reach new heights? Where are our children if they look, think, and react the same? Is this experiment for the common good to be the same sexually, ideology, and morally? In time, ask the children of this generation. They will all give the same answer and that’s a crying shame.


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