The Devil teaching us

            The other day I was given cheap tickets to see Madonna. I had seen her 27 years ago and thought “What’s the harm.” Usually people mature and become wise, sensible, and reflective as they get older. I guess that is not the case with me or her. I should have checked out the Madonna now as opposed to 27 years ago. She is what she has always been I suppose. Yet, today, Madonna has become the extreme of what she stands for.
            I knew Madonna stood for sex, she always has and I guess always will. Her show consisted of religious mocking and blatant sexual acts. I was stunned really. The fun poppy girl has been replaced with a lustfully sexual diva that can’t get or give enough. To me, the strange part was the people. She asked them (demanded) that they take their closes off and many did. Didn’t your mother tell you not to listen to strangers? What gave Madonna the right to take your clothes off?
            Afterwards the crowds were more than pleased with her smutty, hellish attitude towards life. They cheered Jesus going down on her and applauded women barring their breasts. I sat there in horror because it was not me in my present state. I went for the music and got so much more. Recently we have an election brewing in Canada. The parties are telling us to listen to them. Didn’t you mother ask you not to listen to strangers? The scary part is the truth. We are being told a lot this election. The troubling part is that most of it is lies. The disturbing part is how much people are eating this stuff up just like they did for Madonna.
            What does God have to say about these current times we live in? I have at times been glued or raptured by the Bibles imagery. The book of Revelation has many such descriptive narratives on what it will look like in the last days. I have had many talks with my wife about “If” we are in those last days. After seeing Madonna and listening to the acceptance of lies during this election, I’m beginning to believe we are near an end. Something has gone terribly wrong in this world.
            In Revelation 19:20-21 a third of the population have just witnessed the Holy wrath of God in the form of great plagues. They have witnessed hell on earth and Gods distain for it. Still, within that moment they refused to turn from Satan. I have read about many people searching out the spiritual. Even Madonna has tried to find God in a form of Judaism. Somehow with all this chaos on our planet people are rejecting God and embracing the Devil just like the Bible said they would. I guess I expected better from people.
            The sad part to me is: why must it be this way. I know professing Christians who loved Madonna and her ungodly acts. Why was I there knowing it would go south, and it certainly did. Clearly two political parties are calling for change in this election. They don’t tell you what that looks like but the electorate is flocking to their camp in droves. Maybe Satan does not have to work hard to bring people towards him. Maybe this is earth is really his classroom. Within concerts or the voting booth people are willing to be schooled.
            Clearly I am out of touch with the times. I thought we might improve. Those who have embraced the Devil will say we have. The Book called “1984” said we would all become drones to the government. Isn’t that what our vote is today? They talk and we listen. Didn’t your mother? The internet spreads false facts. Politicians spew twisted facts. Icons in concert drive us to do unspeakable acts in public. Revelation 9:20-21 is scaring the hell out of me. Where are we going as a species?

            There were many kids at Madonna. Heaven help them because class has started and the Devil is teaching. Parents talk about getting rid of the evil that is in power, yet evil is waiting to take over and nobody cares. The Devil is teaching us to make up truth, spread defamatory facts, and do what we want. Didn’t our moms say we don’t always get what we want? The sad part is that we are getting an “A” in Devil 101. We love smut and we love to vote in what we desire over what is right. The funny (sad) part is that the Devil is patient and prudent with his teachings. He is all the things we should be but aren’t. It appears this is a lesson we will never learn.


  1. Well at least there is someone out there who I can agree with. I am silent all the time these days and I am constantly horrified.


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