Looking forward to snow

             For some reason I get goose bumps when the weather man calls for the first snow. Now in Calgary Alberta that is debatable. When is the first snow because it snowed this year in August? It’s past September and the leaves are gone, but we have not yet experienced snow in the fall season. If you live in a warm place then you miss all the fun. You don’t own a snow shovel sadly. Experiencing the first snow is the best thing ever.
            As a little boy, we used to sit in the window and look earnestly for the snow. The temperature had cooled down and we began to wait. The weather man was calling for snow but we were waiting for him to be right for once. There was something about listening to the Christmas song on Charlie Brown as snoopy whipped everyone around on a frozen pond. The cheeks were red and breathe visible as the little fluffy white stuff swirled around. I still love Charlie Brown being pummeled into a tree and a big pile of snow landing on him. That is my winter wonder land.
            Have you ever made snowflakes? I have seen people cut them out and make some pretty cool flakes out of paper. Why do mine always look like stick men? I like making snow angels in the snow (where else). It’s fun to swish your arms and legs in the snow. I know people who live in warm climates don’t swish in the sand. They must think were idiots because snow is cold. I suppose snow can be fun: take an igloo for instance. Cool house (pun intended).
            What does God have to say about snow? In Genesis 8:22 it says “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” I always think of the Bible as in a desert area. I went there and trust me I did not see snow or cold. However, in the Bible, there are tons of cold references. The book of Job has several. 2 Timothy 4:13 has Paul asking for his cloak before winter sets in. Matthew 24:19-20 is ominous with Jesus saying “How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.”
            Jesus was taking about the end of times happening in the winter. Sometimes it’s so cold here that it feels were all going to die. I think that’s why Canadians are sometimes called snow birds. We flock down to warmer places during the winter. I loved doing Christmas in Florida. It beats -29 degrees Celsius here. Still though, where would we be without hockey, skiing, snowball fights, winter Olympics, and football? You will never see a baseball player in the winter. I like the warm days a little but really, I love the snow.
            I knew a woman who I called the ice queen of Airdrie. Her heart made the evil Queen in Snow White seem like tinker bell. Some people are really cold inside. There have been some frosty villains. Is Jack Frost a villain or friend? How about the snow queen in Narnia? I wonder if Satan is cold. They always say “When Hell freezes over.” Obviously Frosty the snow man is not a villain.
I love hockey because I’m Canadian. For seven months of the year what else am I to do? Snow is part of who we are. -10 is not cold. Anyone who says so is not Canadian. I delivered mail in -49 for two days. Ok, that was cold and I am Canadian. I had to dig down 2 feet to bury an electrical cable below the frost line. That almost put me 6 feet under.
            There are many cold countries beyond my boarders. The USA has some winter states. What about Sweden or Russia? I love a cold beer and cold pizza. A Popsicle is cool. Once we went camping at -38. The bananas froze. We put them in tinfoil with chocolate in a fire. They were great warm on a cool night. Hot chocolate is great when it’s cold. We think of Santa and Christmas in the winter time. I would love to stand at Lambeau Field in Green Bay on the frozen tundra.

            Remember to be warm to people. Cold hearted people suck. Make sure you light up a room with heartwarming happiness. Go for coffee with people or drink hot cider. Good times are had while things are cold outside. Many Babies are conceived in the winter: just saying. God exists to bring cold hearts into the warm. A Cold Christian is so weird. Don’t be that way because God is not that way. Stay positive this winter in the snow. Oh and watch The Day After Tomorrow or Frozen to warm you up.


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