Keep it simple stupid

             I’m sure you have heard the K.I.S.S. phrase “Keep it simple stupid.” I was thinking about the Toronto Sport scene and had to laugh. Many times they think they are big market, so they feel obligated to look good. You may have seen this happen in your own city or town. You need the best mayor, best player, or best business. Sometimes I think if we just kept it simple things might have worked out better.
            Christianity is the perfect example. Believe in Jesus, God, pray, serve, and give: that about does it. Then well-meaning people added worship, church buildings, ministry, theology, Masters Degrees, programs, boards, charities, and on and on we go. Is it possible the most effective church might be one with little resources but a big heart? Is the most popular preacher the best preacher? Are you a Calvinist or Wesleyan; Baptist or protestant? Maybe simple might not be that stupid.
            In Politics I see it too. We are trending in North America towards “The face.” We vote for what gives goodies and looks great. The simple answer might not be pretty or handsome. The simple answer might run government in an unflashy way instead of looking good in the public eye. The law books are extremely thick to protect us better, yet crime is still a problem. Why make laws that convert the judicial world into a complicated nightmare. Maybe who we vote in should keep things simple.
            What does God have to say about the simple? 1 Samuel 16 is famous because of one statement “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Time has no barrier to keeping things simple. The right king was small and ruddy looking. The people instead chose the handsome tall man and things went wrong. God always gives a simple solution we tend to reject.
            At home I do the bills. I was thinking of buying my wife a new hockey jersey but it cost a lot. I looked at our bills and thought, nope, that is just not practical at this time. I had to keep it simple so I did not look stupid. I think we get into financial trouble half the time because we refuse to keep it simple. How about buying one thing and paying it off before you buy another. I know that sounds too simple.
            There is a cool saying that may have come from Occam's razor "The simplest explanation is usually the correct one." It’s like: your first choice is often the best choice. People change their mind and get it wrong. How often do you say “No” and then relent and do it? We get into trouble when we over think it. That the same in voting and finances: keep it simple stupid. You picked a wife based on 10 things you were looking for. Maybe the best wife is different than you thought. The best car might not look the best. The most expensive thing might not be the best but usually is in my experience. Well I bought cheaper to save money. How often does that work out?

            Keep it simple stupid. I don’t want to call you stupid but we all make mistakes because we over analyze, think, discuss, and rate stuff. Maybe the best simple answer is right before us. I wonder if the real work of God is missed because too many Christians are discussing stuff in committees’. I wonder if the right people to lead us are missed because we are looking at the bright lights far too often. Maybe being accused of being simple is a good thing?


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