Live the adventure

            I went through divorce in what seems like ages ago. I guess it’s been 15 years or more. Since that time I have had my up’s and downs. Through it all I have discovered one word: adventure. There was a point when I had to choose to live or die. Some people don’t find a way and move on from tragedy. I chose to move on and find adventure.
            This past weekend I climbed Mt Buller in Kananaskis country within Alberta Canada. A friend thought it might be great to take an overnight hike to Ribbon Lake. I thought sure why not. He forgot to mention that it was not rated easy but extreme. This went from a hike to an adventure. Within these two days I discovered new sights and new pain. I said yes so easily because I love adventure.
            Adventure is whatever you make it. I like to think it comes in the form of the “Whatever.” Maybe planning it all is the wrong way to go. What happens if you go in a direction but are surprised by the outcomes? I have taken several adventures in the last 15 years. One year we headed towards Devils Tower in Wyoming. Along the way we discovered Custards last stand, 50 degree heat, and Mt Rushmore. The unexpected adventure made the trip so much better. Isn’t unexpected adventure better than knowing the outcome?
            I laugh at people who are frustrated by unexpected events. They hate to be rattled. Last week I lead a funeral service, traveled to see Taylor Swift, and hiked a crazy mountain. This weekend I am attending another funeral and going to a football game. Four days later I’m traveling to the Canadian Maritimes for another fun filled adventure. Within all that is work and life as it comes. Much of this summer was unplanned. I just go with the flow and I think it makes life so much easier.
            What does God have to say about adventure? In Numbers 22 of the Bible Balam had an adventure with a donkey and it turned out interesting? Moses was led by God into the wilderness. He did not know it would take 40 years. Amazingly Moses never reached his promised land. Think about it. Moses saw seas split, pursuing armies crushed, a burning bush, God, pillars of smoke and fire, manna from heaven, and water from a rock. What more do we need to be an adventure? Jerimiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” God wants a great life for us full of blessings and calamity.
            Calamity can be an adventure. Sure we don’t want it but do we? I got in an accident in the USA and found myself speeding down the American highway in an ambulance. I had never done that before (and hopefully never again). I got meningitis when I was a kid. I ended up in the hospital for a week with very cute nurses. I might want to do that again. People always have great stories to tell. Most of them come from calamity. My granddad was rescued on the battle field by a man named Patrick. That’s how I got my name. I guess war is not an adventure but the outcome was interesting.

            Plan adventures to the store. Plan adventures to another state or province. Who knows how it will turn out? Do things you are uncomfortable doing (but wanted to try). Read that book you always wanted to read. Do life as a video game. The maker gives you twists and turns you did not see coming yet you play on. God is that way too. They say he is curious. That’s true because he is curious what you will do with the life given to you. You know praying for adventure might be nuts, but what else is life really for?


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