Blogging on a plane

        I wonder if sitting on a plane for takeoff is safe if a priest is standing outside crossing himself. I loved the idea of brining my Tim Hortons coffee on board. I never thought that balancing a carry on, a mini suitcase, and a coffee would be so hard. When the west jet attendant asked us to say our goodbyes to loved ones through Facebook should I be worried? Then again the priest had us covered right?

        It's cool taking off in a plane. We get to chew gum. The initial takeoff always rocks. Gee that priest looks small all of a sudden. In the very old days I got a meal free of charge and it tasted good. Today we pay and the sawdust sandwich really does taste like a pine tree. I chose the cookies for free (cheap skate). The coffee wasn't Tims but it will do. They said we could watch movies for free: sweet. Dang I didn't download the app at home so I'm stuck here blogging for three hours.

        Might as well read Moby Dick. Big book and a long flight without the app go well together. Hour and a half into the flight and the lineup for the washroom grows. Clouds, multi coloured farm land, and water out the window. Glad I don't see that priest on the sitting on the wing. I find it weird that people below look up and see a plane flying by. I'm looking down and can't see anything but cloud. I wonder why in this day and age we still hear the plane while we're  flying. Not very quiet in here.

       I can reflect on the security at the airport. What else am I gonna do without my west jet app. Gee we don't have to take off our shoes but the belt still had to go. We wore sandles to make it easy to take off our shoes. Now my belt was a different story. Try juggling two carry on's, three passports, pulling out my three electronic devices, my belt, falling down shorts, and going through a body scanner. By the way, how do you keep your shorts up without a belt and your hands raised in a body scanner?

       What does God have to say about flying. Well he does not say we will fly or have wings in heaven. He does say we will be taken up in the air in the last days. Angels look scary but they do have wings. Jesus walked on water but never flies. What's with that. Maybe we were not meant to fly. Did God send the priest, or did he know we were not meant to fly. 

       Gee the flight is half over and I haven't begun to have fun yet. If I'd downloaded the app it would have been different. Turbulence is no big deal. I wonder if those in the bathroom feel that way? Stewardesses are extremely talented to balance that cart in the bumpy parts. Why are they always cute? This was fun even without the stinkin app (#notbitter). The cool part is the landing. Tons of people need to talk to me but I can't hear a thing. I think the car rental guys love that part. Then you will agree to adding more non essential coverage. Well they said to say kind words to you just in case you find my iPad in the wreckage.


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