of course we will fail

I was listening to the Bible the other day in 2 Chronicles. Oh yeah Patrick, riveting stuff. Actually, it was. The great King Solomon is dead. Israel had enjoyed two pretty good kings in a row. Then came Rehoboam the son of Solomon. Apparently, Solomon had taxed the people fairly harshly during his reign. The people came to rehoboam and asked him to give tax relief. Rehoboam consulted his young friends. They advised him to tax them harder. That seemed like a crazy idea.
Of course, the people did not like that answer. The country went into revolt and split apart. Rehoboam had to flee for his life. I bring this up because we are in interesting times in Canada. Almost every provincial leader is raising taxes. The Prime Minister is raising taxes. Canada has been struggling with depression and economic down turn. We need a break. Instead the leaders are taxing us all the more. Boy this sounds familiar.
For years I have heard that Quebec wants to separate. Silently Alberta has complained about the same thing. It’s all nonsense. Nobody is going to separate. I mean how could it work? It’s nuts. Yet, history is addicted to repeating itself. Didn’t America revolt against Britain? Didn’t English Canada and the French fight for control of this country? Isn’t there fighting for independence in some parts of Russia and other European nations?
Then there is North America. We are one, right? Certainly, a state would not leave America? How could the people revolt? This Trump thing in America is troubling. If Trump leaves then what? The people in Canada wanted Harper out so bad. What has replaced him is ten times worse. This peaceful country seems to be falling wildly into debt and taxes. Were lost. Is America lost too?
What does God have to say? Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” We are groaning in North America. We are a lost generation. Why on earth would the leaders press against us so harsh? Tax more? Injustice rules so it seems. Truth is ridiculed. In Canada the government is pressing against the people. Things are not good. Did we ever think that deception, and drugs would dominate the land? It seems hopeless.
In history churches and governments fell when leadership failed. In many of those cases the powers pressed the people harder. Why? It makes no sense. Yet, they say that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is there anything left in Canada? Anything left in America? Is North America doomed? Are we too fat, drugged, and stupid now? We have no choice but to fail. I’d like to find hope. I’d like to see light. After reading 2 chronicles it makes it so clear. We are there. Right in the spot where we chose to fail. It’s no accident. We are doing it right under my nose.
After the French revolution the new leaders pressed the people harder. It never got better for those who fought for something. In Russia they deposed the Tsar in hope of something better. They received Stalin. He killed 100 million Russians in paranoia. Cambodia tried it. Turkey tried it. Germany tried it twice. History is selfish. It must have its day. Unfortunately, it’s the same day over and over again. I read that new taxes are coming. They say it’s for our future. No, it’s for history to feast on us yet again.


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