Crushing womanhood
this just a Canadian thing? Is the red-light district in Amsterdam a freedom
thing? Is Stormy Daniels her real name? Do you care? Is she forced or free to
still go by that name? The social media does not care if she is a woman or if
her name is different. They care about the trends. Is Rosa Parks a woman? I suppose
she is. Yet, she is called the first black. What else did she do? Orpha is more
well known as a black talk show host. What is her accomplishments beyond black?
Beyond her show. Do you know?
How do we remember people? I bring
this back to women. As a man (white), I feel that the art of woman is gone. I
see so many girls dressing like men. They are more likely to look like a moose
at a special dinner than female. Why? Female and male are said to be dirty
words. Yet, not black, Asian, Middle Eastern, or any other skin color. Yet,
white is a dirty word. We call people LGBQT but we are not to say masculine or
A woman is not allowed to be a
woman. Well that’s because men defined women wrong. Oh, I see. The repressed
thing again. Yet, out of this I am reading female writers protesting the loss
of womanhood. Oh, wait a minute!! Womanhood is mothers, dresses, and shackles
of staying home. That is the past genderization of who? Oh, right, females? These
writers are protesting what they are being ordered to be. A woman is a
scientist, police person, president, and CEO. Mother? That’s a dirty word. Let the
men do those disgusting duties. It’s beyond the truly superior what? Oh, right,
There will be no more take back the
night rallies. There will be no more rape demonstrations. There will be no more
gender specific motherly duties like being pregnant. Men need to figure a way
of being pregnant, having periods, and training boys (sorry for the word) to be
sugar and spice and everything nice. Woman should take control of dying faster,
back pain, and mental fatigue. That was men’s but now it belongs to women.
In the Bible, the rule of thumb is
that women are below. God raised the status of women through the ages, but he
was kidding. Women should be servants. The Bible does not say those things, yet
we see the words servant as restrictive. We see helper as degrading. Far be it
for women to be equals with men serving women and women serving men. Far be it
for women to be regarded with status and power in the Bible. I’m reading that
wrong. Two books in the Bible are even named after women but that must be a type-o.
It’s not possible that men are
stronger to protect. That seems ridicules. It’s not possible that men went to
war to die so women could live. We let them leave sinking boats first because
we were stupid. Men pay in divorce because all women are truly deceived and
abused in this shackled military style tradition. That leaves us with the
creature that used to be known as a woman. You cannot be a mother if you want. You
must abort babies because they restrict your status. You must refuse dresses,
skirts, and high heels. What if I liked them? Sorry women, we know what you
should like, want, and become. Just ask the current people’s Prime Minister.
Stormy Daniels is not Stephanie
because that would get her nowhere. Ivanka Trump is under his thumb. Does she
believe that? Is Ellen a great actor, role model, or person? We may never know
because gay is attached to her even if she tried to shed it. In the public eye,
gay is shackled to her. Her spouse would be nothing beyond Ellen? That’s not true!!
Really? So, what is Ellen’s significant others name and what is her
accomplishments? Crickets!!!
Susan B. Anthony was a woman’s
activist, yet she was a wife, mother, and writer. Betty Ford was a woman. Her name
is on the Betty Ford drug rehab center, not her husband (president). Indira
Gandhi is who? A great woman that was a wife, president, and activist for female
rights in India. Did you know that? There are no more women movements. They have
been crushed by the gender fist. You are what men were now. There is no choice.
Say no to mothers. Say no to dresses. Say no to heterosexual marriages. Say no
to crying, smelling nice, and being everything nice. That’s what little boys
are made of now.
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