A view on compassion
other day a freelance journalist in Canada attacked the Humboldt Hockey tragedy.
If you did not know, 16 people died when a semi-trailer collided with a bus carrying
a hockey team. The outpouring of grief around the world was staggering. The death
of minor league players and coaches touched our hearts. Someone posted a GoFundMe
page to raise funds for the families. The total has crested 10 million. Over 60
countries have participated. It was stunning. Yet, one young woman is crying
She claims we are just supporting
white male children. A white girl died too. Does that count? The social
community attacked her like never before. They threatened her life and the
lives of her children. It’s over the top for sure. Yet, did she ask for it? Maybe
this whole thing is not about social conscience. Maybe it’s not about racism. Maybe
it’s not about helping a white hockey team. I believe that the woman writer was
trained to loath whiteness even though she herself is white. I believe she was
trained that today’s social world is condoned in attacking the white agenda.
If it looks white, smells white, or
appears white: then kill it. Bash it on social media. Curse it for existing. You
know the drill. All white men rape. All white people are racist Christians. Society
was built by white and slanted towards white. That is really what this is all
about. It’s got nothing to do with race or a hockey team. The writer has been
told to think and act towards a group a certain way. She is a drone just
believing what she has been told. Did she think about grieving mothers, wives,
kids, and communities? I doubt it because social justice trumps all else.
It’s true that a bus in India
crashed killing 27 children. Where is the GoFundMe page? I get her point of
view. Yet, Humboldt touched our lives because those kids were doing what kids
do. They traveled on buses trying to be team players. They were the hope of our
communities. The future sport stars. That’s how it works. Why does it not work
that way in India? Racism? All Sport leagues were touched by the hockey tragedy.
They had all been there riding the buses. They had not been in India.
What does God have to say? Zechariah
7:9 "Thus has the LORD of hosts
said, 'Dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his
brother.” I believe God would want us to give to India. He would want us to
give to Humboldt. We should never do it for color, pride, or greed. Some
companies are taking in donations and claiming it on their taxes. A few people
are selling shirts for gain. I have heard commercials to promote themselves in
the name of giving. There are many reasons we give or do not give. It goes far
beyond racism. The world is a big place. We only know 27 children died because
of the Technology. We only fund because of the internet. Yet, it goes well
beyond that.
In Cambodia a white lady built a
place of rescue for children. Did the freelance writer tell her story? I know a
white woman who rescues abused girls in foreign countries. Where is her story
in the Canadian press? Social justice has its place. Giving has its place. Grieving
has its place. Do we bash one to promote the other? Do we use one to build
another? We shouldn’t but we do don’t we.
Why did she write her views at a
time of terrible loss? To be heard upon opportunity? Maybe? Why did we give so
much to one tragedy? To belong to the group? Maybe? Is that writer in the group
of social heroes? Are we a part of tragedy heroes? It’s amazing what the world
did for Humboldt. I almost believe that the world is not as bad as I thought. Then
came the freelance writer’s remarks. The commercials. The promotions. It’s
about helping where we can. We should look for ways to help those in need. Because
it’s the in thing to do? No, it’s to help people in need and nothing beyond
that. It’s not about us. It’s about them. Write the real story and not your
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