The good leaders

It’s insane to think that God gives us the rulers we have. Why on earth or Mars would he do that? I am currently reading a book called Gulag Archipelago. It’s basically a look into the life and times of Russian Communism. It is not very pretty. The people were having a hard time under the Tsar of Russia before 1917. The communist party looked like a way out. They say that about 100 million people have died at the hands of the communists. Those were local people by the way, not the enemies.
            People are crying that Trump is worse than Hitler. Is he worse than Stalin too? Maybe he is more horrible than Cambodia’s Pol pot. Maybe Trumps government has killed more Americans than in Rwanda, Albania, or Tibet. I have not seen the news on these genocide tragedies, but maybe Trump is holding the social media for ransom. Here in Canada we have a nut as the Prime Minister. Yet, he is showing signs of segregating people based on religion. Is this nut the beginnings of the new Stalin? He says he loves communist ideals. Like killing millions of our own people for nothing? Maybe.
            Of course, that is ridicules. We are always sorry in Canada. We do not kill our own except the aboriginals. But we pay millions to them every year while saying sorry. We are paying improperly accused terrorists millions while saying sorry too. The nut Prime Minister has our country going weird. He is sending millions to far off countries to help them out. That is cool except that he also told his own veterans there is not enough money left for them.
            Maybe North America is in a mess. We think these leaders are savage. Trust me, Communist Russia was savage. Rwanda was savage. The killing of Tibet monks was savage. There are lots of examples that seem so far from us, but is it? If society fell, how long do you think it would take. A week, month, or a year to fall. Who would rise up and replace our current savage governments?
            What does God think? I Samuel 15 is an interesting spot in the Bible. The people hand picked King Saul. He was a wicked King. This King also spared parts of a wicked tribe called the Agagites. 500 Years later the Israelites were almost obliterated by an Agagite. It seems unreasonable to pick a ruler God would chose. Yet, the consequences are devastating. The Bible also says God appoints rulers over us. Possibly those rulers reflect us more than the ruler themselves.
            Several times in the Bible we read that the people were given an evil spirit. What that means is that they were given their own heart’s desire. Some hearts desires are evil. The State of Colorado is complaining that legal Marijuana is hurting them but they are keeping it legal. The military and police are now spending more to train their leaders on how to spot drug use in it’s corps. Yet, we will push ahead to legalize it in this country. A certain increase in student use will happen, thx Colorado for that stat. I’m guessing those are acceptable loses to have what we want. It’s not our kids, right?
            Yes, we have terrible leadership. I thought Trump might work out. I hoped Obama would work out. Trudeau in Canada is working out for everyone but Canadians. The drug people love him. I hear grumblings in other countries. Is China happy? How about Russia, North Korea, and Britain? Yet, we seem far off from communist Russia. Hitler’s Germany seems distant from the past. We have learned. We only vote in good leaders, now right?


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