Gun control

What to do with gun control. Only an idiot would not see that we need gun control in America. I am done with standing in silence every two months for a mass killing in another country. Generally, Canada does not have a gun problem. Yet, we stand in silence. With terrorism, we stand in silence for driving cars into people. Bombs exploding from back packs. We stand in silence. Generally, we don’t have those things happening in Canada.
            Only an idiot would not know that criminals don’t register their guns. I guess that many of the mass shootings had registered guns. They say it’s too easy. How do you do a back-ground check for being nuts? They blame the government for not checking on a gun complaint before the last shooting in Florida. I wonder how many threats they get a month. It can’t be one. America is a big country with lots of people. I bet there are thousands of tips a year. Yet, we stand in silence.
            The rule of thumb is that if we are not armed, then someone else is. I can’t fathom what would happen if only bad people had guns. History has shown that this would not go well. yet, we need some sort of gun laws or control. They say we have some laws but they are loose. Again, bad people can get a gun. We believe that people are not evil. Over and over that proved to be dead wrong. Only a few kill patrick. Yes, and yet again, we stand in silence. Yet again.
            If the government owned all the guns would we be safe? In reading this book on communism in Russia, I think the government should not own anything, especially power. Something is terribly wrong inside people. The sick things we have done to other people. From sadistic murders to genocide, we carry on. We stand in silence. I’d swear in making a human we add sugar, spice, and nothing nice. That’s what people are made of.
            What does God have to say about people. Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Things are just wrong. The truth in this age has been washed away. What is good could be evil now. People are being condemned on social media without proof or trial. We have lost our minds. Or, have we come to light. Are we what we are: evil? Job 4:8 tells it all “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.”
            It’s possible we are what we are. We embrace trouble because trouble is fun. Shooting guns is fun. Owning a gun is safe. Just love people and evil will disappear. In history I read about a colony that tried to live with the Bible as it’s guide. People were killed for not following the Bible exactly. That is hard to do. So hard, that in the end they all perished. People are people. Psalm 7:14 “Whoever is pregnant with evil conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment.” Aren’t we disillusioned these days?
            These days we cry that religion is evil. We cry that guns are evil. It’s true that religion has hurt many people in the name of their religion. Guns can feed and kill. There is the story of the evil Tsar of Russia. Even back further to Peter the great the people suffered. The murder of the innocent is well told in Russia’s history. Communism was said to make it all safe. Put the land back in the hands of the people. Enter Stalin.
            They say that about 85 to 100 million people have perished by the hand of communism in Russia. The land of the people is littered with blood and bodies. Giving people to people means we give power to evil. We are a mess. Just saying we need Jesus is so hollow. Yes, we all need Jesus, but will we listen. Will we try and follow what Jesus believes? It’s easy to set up utopia. Yet, people rarely listen or follow. I am haunted by Jesus saying the road is narrow and only a few will find it. Peace, gun laws, community, love, and humanity seem wrapped up in bubblegum and roses. Underneath we are evil unfortunately standing in silence until the next time.


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