I got this

I think I can pick good music. I got this. Sadly, I wish I had been a record producer. I know the good ones. It does not take me long. Of course, I don’t like some very popular musicians. Yet, the ones I do pick are usually very good. I pegged Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, and Imagine dragons. Alisia Cara just won the new artist award. I got that one too. I get things wrong but not music.
            Movies are a different cat. I am about 50/50. I can’t tell you how many times I thought it would be a good movie and was totally wrong. I so looked forward to the newest Star Wars. It’s Star Wars, it has to be good. Boy it sucked. It’s weird how a movie is so good. Watch it 10 years later and it’s horrible. I experienced that recently with Logan’s Run. I like it but it’s not great anymore. Maybe that’s why Casablanca and the Sound of Music hold up so well. They still don’t suck.
            As for TV I don’t do too bad. I bet I’m about 75% at picking good shows. Yet, we have loved shows that got cancelled. I guess it’s the majority that did not like them. I am not a medical guy but the new show called The Resident is awesome. I feel that the characters work well together. I hate medical procedures but the dialog is awesome. The Walking Dead is the best acting ever. It’s has amazing writing too.
            I love finding great things in the arts. I can’t play music. I don’t work in the industry. Yet, I love art. I can’t draw or paint. A museum is ok. The philharmonic is awesome. Yet, I can’t read music. The arts are dear to me. I can’t stand art funding but I get it. A doctor gets paid for helping others. I’m sure a painting makes us smile but helps others? Yet, I respect and love art, music, and movies.
            What does God have to say? In Ephesians 5:19 it says “speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” There are countless examples of musical instruments and singing to the Lord. The flip side is worshiping wrong Gods. It’s about making idols we worship. The arts are very good. Yet, we also can make them very bad. I can’t dig Marylin Manson. I doubt God does either.
            My life history is built on the arts. I can’t believe that I can’t play music. I love the drums and electric guitar as much as a flute or harp. Christian music is either very good or completly terrible. Some of it is just plainly awful. I can say that in many other forms of music too. I find certain directors make terrible films. Yet, the Spielberg’s seem to make magic all the time.
            We need to be carful with art. It inspires. I guess that’s why some feel we should fund it. I think the greats of the past did it because it was inside them. It was not about money but expression. However, some kids have died because they listened to bad music. Some painting depicts evil things. Certain movies are evil and some TV suggestive. Art is powerful and we need to respect that.

            I got this. I pick great music. I mostly watch good shows. The British make the best television. The Canadian television sucks. Sorry! The American tv seems lost. There is not much to watch on the big three networks anymore. They are consumed with social agendas. Just play music. Just make great stories into movies. Knock it off with the social plight. The arts are escape from social crud. I get that.


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