Sibling rivals
other day I saw a picture of twins having coffee. They ordered a double,
double. Ha, ha I wanted to say that. Seriously, they were wearing the same
clothes by accident. I guess twins think alike. I also know that they are
nothing a like on the inside. One is conservative while the other is liberal. I
bet one likes chocolate while the other hates it. Why? I thought twins were the
same? Only in appearance I guess.
I know in my own family that us brothers
are quite different. We each have different lives. I find it strange that we grew
up in the same environment, but we turned out so different. One likes fish and
another hates Italian. In hockey one likes the Montreal team while I like the
Flames of Calgary. Politically, philosophy, and many other things we are
different. Same parents but different outcome.
I see it in many of the friends I
have. They all say that the siblings are so different. You would think food,
drink, or politically we would have something in common. Why not? Family dinners
are always strained. I have a hard-enough time with visiting. It seems odd. They
are family. Short and sweet visits is all we get. A little chit chat and then
home we go. It’s like family are close but miles apart.
Is it because it’s personal? They know
us too well. Should we like them no matter what just because they are family? We
share memories and feelings about our pets. We both love the parents. Yet,
siblings remember their childhood differently. One parent always favors one
child. Why? I know for a fact that family diners are split in two or three
rooms. Never the three shall meet. Even within family there are clicks and
groups. I just find it odd.
What does God have to say. In terms
of making us, God says we are uniquely made in Psalm 139:14. Each one of us are
individuals. That makes the case for what we see. Twins that are so different
inside. Each one of us are made for a purpose that’s different than our other
family members.
There is a story in the book of Genesis of two twin boys.
Esau and Jacob were vastly different. One was a momma’s boy and the other a man’s
man. In the womb the Bible says two nations were born. These boys had a falling
out. You would think in the Bible we would find peace and harmony. Actually, that
is the one thing we really never see. There was always fighting, murder, rape,
and problems within family. Nations fought against nations.
The Bible is merely pointing out how to get along. Yet,
in the Bible story that rarely happened. In many ways the Bible instructs us on
what not to do. Yet, it also tells us how to live together. It’s just that
throughout history we tend to not get along. King David had trouble. Abraham
had trouble. So, did Moses. Jesus asks us to play fair, but we still, to this
day, hate that.
It’s not rocket science to see that
siblings are different. I guess God made us that way. God really asks one thing
from us. Respect the other individual. If we all did that one thing, then life
would be simpler. Who cares if their different, yet we do. Who cares what they
think, yet we do. Maybe we could embrace the differences like God does. Maybe we
could take advantage of the things others do well, like God does. Possibly we
should look at our siblings and family differently than we do. In the meantime,
take out your sibling for a double, double and chat.
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