30 questions about 2018

Ok, I need to be positive in 2018. The last year was fairly negative. The leaders around the world are a mess. Gun usage is a mess. Terrorism usage is a mess. So, let’s just comb through this mess for some light.
11.  I think Twitter gave donations to Trump. Has there ever been a more obvious link?
22.  Obama has been touring the world lately promoting what? A third term?
33.  This sex abuse witch hunt in America. Good, bad, or gold digging? All of the above.
44. Storms will be the biggest ever bomb, cyclone, maelstrom, mega, massive, unprecedented
55. Why aren’t we saving forests and trees anymore?
66. We’re beginning to reboot the reboot in music and movies
77. Will players kneel or do something about it? Na, they will just kneel
88. New funding for responsible sex and drugs in schools.
99. New advertising to promote drugs. Nothing to do with taxes
110. Dope will bring in so much revenue that we will have our taxes lowered: were on dope
111. Kids are not doing sports because they are activists for the wood beetle
112. Ah, we don’t save forests because we saved the wood beetle
113. Global warming needs a new name to bring in new revenue to who?
114. The female Doctor Who will not be gender sized because she is female
115. Will find a way to replace Trump with a gay woman because we have not tried that yet
What does God have to say about 2018. Matthew 6:34 “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
116.  Wanted to replace the verse above but it still applies. Prediction time
117. They will still try and replace Trump this year
118. Taxes will rise
119. This 10-year recession is not over just masked
220.  New political scandals that will be ignored because they’re not Trump
221. A record number of mass killing because we are leaderless
222.  Terrorists do something we never thought of
223.  House prices climb as homelessness rises
224  Biggest storms ever all caused by global warming
225.  Facebook will crumble
226. Record number of teens will die because of responsible drug use
227.  More men will be frightened away from leadership: Mr. Mom rises
228. Browns will win a game: just kidding
229. A year without an earthquake or hurricane. Explain that one Gore?
330. Will there be a 2019 in North Korea?

Being Positive: I am positive these things will happen


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