It has to be this way

It has to be this way. I can’t believe it really? How could a 4000-year-old book get it right? That is impossible. This new century has had it’s share of weird. The rise of global warming, social media, and rights and freedoms. In a way they are all good things. We need to protect the planet from ourselves. I don’t discount the need for pollution controls. It’s just I don’t believe that throwing money at it will solve the problem.
            Social media is wonderful. I have been able to reconnect with life long friends better. I feel we can communicate like never before. No longer can the authorities hide what they do. It’s all an open fishbowl now. We can express ourselves. Finding lost people and criminals is easier with social media. Information and news is right there before us.
            Rights and freedoms is a good thing. Everyone should have rights regardless of race, sexual orientation, and gender. The right to be yourself is good. The right to be heard is good. People that hate should be told they can, but it’s not acceptable. Rape and sexual harassment is terrible. We have the right to complain and convict. In essence, all these things at the turn of the century are good. Then there are people.
            It has to be this way. People have to be people. Why do people take good things and make them complicated? Why not just use the things we love for the good of others? As each day passes, I just can’t understand or believe it. People have lost their minds over the good things we have. A rapist has rights. Terrorists have rights. Pollution is now a social media weapon. Harassment is now a social media weapon. How can all people have rights when they conflict with each other? How could the Bible have known what would be?
            What does God have to say about this mess?
Revelation 13:16-18 “And he requires everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom: The one who has understanding must calculate m the number of the beast, because it is the number of a man. His number is 666.”
I usually don’t pay a lot of attention to scriptures that predict doom. I suppose the day of the Lord or destruction will come. Yet, that seems to be in another time. The verses above have been quoted for centuries. The number 666 is ominous and famous. Movies and books have been written on it’s timing, meaning, and relevance. I roll my eyes with the skeptics. In reality we can speculate about these verses but we really don’t have a clue. Then there is the turn of the century. People are people. The problem is when global warming, social media, and rights and freedoms mixed together. Something has clearly changed since the year 2000.
Terrorism over beliefs seems so old, yet here we are fighting men who will die for their God. In the 21st century? Odd really. Bring people closer together with the internet. This is awesome. Add people and you get a gutter of words, accusations, and fake truth sewage. Who knew? We all want clean air and water. We’re not stupid. Yet, corrupt people are taxing us, adding secret fees, and changing policies for their own gain in the name of global warming. Since the year 2000, people have shown their true colors and it’s disturbing. Then there is the 666 thing, (oh brother).
Recently in Canada, the federal and provincial governments were elected because of social rights and global concerns. It made sense. Yet, taxes went through the roof. Jobs were lost and the middle class extinguished (sort of). The federal government has cut funding to religious groups who support no abortions. The Alberta government has a policy of not giving money to Christian schools and businesses that support anti-abortion. This all falls under rights and freedoms. Taxing the poor now falls under saving the planet. The internet has become a weapon of hatred towards all who oppose the new way.

That’s stupid these things are not related. Maybe? Yet, it’s getting tougher and tougher to pay rising bills and taxes. Christian beliefs are one thing, but they are being attacked as a triumph for freedom. Oddly enough, Muslims are being embraced while the lame Christians are being vilified. Sounds like revelation to me. Praise corruption and denounce honesty. I really hate pessimists. Yet, day by day I am falling apart. People are not just people anymore. Something has changed. Were getting darker like a slow drip. Recently I feel that drip has opened a floodgate. I guess it has to be this way according to the Bible.


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