The death of a Swifty

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way. I am a 51-year-old Swifty (follower of Taylor Swift). You can say creepy but I love her music and writing. If that’s creepy then I guess I am. Good, that is done. Now to the main sadness. As a Swifty, I was informed the other day by Ms. Swift herself, I am dead. What?
            She is coming out with a new album called Reputation. Its themes are true to Swift style. Yet, she mentioned in the song Look what you did that she is dead. That means that Swifties are dead, too right? Well, you can still be a swifty, but is the old Taylor dead? You see, we have hit a crossroads being a Swifty. Are you into the new Taylor or the old dead one? Make sense Patrick? It’s that Taylor reported that the old Taylor is dead. I think that means I am dead too.
            I was introduced to Taylor through her second Album Fearless. The writing and music stunned me. I own them all now. She has the ability to write what our hearts are thinking. It resonated with me as a man who cherishes relationships. Taylor is the Queen of relationship disasters. The difference between the old Taylor and new is the music. The writing is there but the music has died. That leaves this dedicated Swifty in a bind.
            So, I’m dead too because I’d rather die than listen to her new sound. I let 1989 slide. It smelled like Taylor, looked like Taylor, and had a small hint of musical Taylor. Fine I’m still in as a dedicated Swifty. Then came Reputation. To be fair, I have heard only three songs. Where is the banjo, guitar, and even the beloved violin? Yes, I know the violin died last album. Was her death predicted with the emergence of 1989? I think us Swifties tried to ignore the signs. We refused to state the obvious.
                        Crossroads: are you dedicated to Taylor Swift or the dead old one?
            What could God possibly have to say about Taylor Swift? It’s in the obvious. In exodus 20 God gave 10 commandments. One of them was to not make idols. Is Taylor Swift my Idol? Over the years I have tried to honor human individuals that exemplified greatness. These were people who were the best at what they do. They looked the best. The best being honesty, integrity, and humanness. I looked to Tiger Woods, (Christian artist) Jennifer Knapp, and recently Taylor Swift. They worked hard, played hard, and gave back to society. I suppose they were my idols.
            I think the reason God said no to idols is found in the word humanness. Humans fail. Tiger woods failed. Jennifer Knapp failed. It appears the old Taylor was failing. So much so, that she is now the phoenix rising from her ashes as the new Taylor. A Taylor that has failed. I wanted a mentor at church. They all failed too. What God has showed me is that finding an idol in Jesus is the only way a mentor or inspiration will not fail. I like being inspired by idols of the world. I am a fool to go down that road yet again. God is the only safe place to worship. I get that and love that, yet, there is something sad in losing the old Taylor to death. Losing another idol.
            I have a pet peeve. Over the years groups of artists have inspired us all in the music they gave. We knew their style by the voice, lyrics, or sound. We became fans by the type of music too. I love all kinds but I was drawn to Taylor Swift for the music. I was drawn to the likes of Bon Jovi and Brian Adams for the music. I guess they are artists. An artist must explore. I understand that. Yet, when they change their style, they lose some people. It drives me nuts when they change.

            I love country music. I love Rock and Roll. I can even listen to classical. Yet, I am not a big fan of electric music or hip pop. Along with the death of the old Taylor was her guitar, violin, banjo, and style. The sound died too. Her innocence died as well. She has a right to change. She has a right to explore. I have a right to be tormented with disappointment yet again. Another idol gone up in flames. Are there no good humans to idolize? God says no, there are not. Will I ever learn?


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