Only an idiot would

Only an idiot would question political leaders. Only an idiot would question his wife. That one, trust me, I know how dangerous that is. Only an idiot would not want to pay 50% tax and have free health care. Paying tax does mean free healthcare, right? Paying a tax fee to provide political leaders is free, right? I know I sound like an idiot.
            I have a new supervisor from a different department. She says she was loved in the other place. Am I stupid, why leave if your loved? Maybe she believed she was loved. Maybe she loves herself. This woman kept on repeating that the other department does things different than us. Why repeat it? Do you realize you’re in a different place now? Do you realize that we are different people than the other place? Why on earth would you try and change things with people you don’t know on the first day? I know I’m stupid, I should get it.
            In Calgary there is a small (not) debate on an arena.
Mayor: we don’t need a new one
People: we do, but we want it for free
Sports teams: hard to stay in Calgary without help
Stupid answer: every other major city in North America has a new building but us. We don’t need one because were not as stupid as everyone else.
            Since the dawn of time people have built buildings from arenas to churches. They have constructed universities to libraries. Is there a reason Sim city asks you to build these things to make your people happy? Maybe the game is a plot by interest groups to build crap. Maybe the makers saw history and made the game like history. Patterns, who knew? Certainly not this idiot.
            What does God have to say about idiots? God uses his proverbs to make a point. Fools run after harlots. They are fooled and enticed. Dishonestly will ruin you. Why? Because in the end, what comes around goes around. I think God is not an idiot. He noted in the Bible that at times we are. Paul ends up saying “why do I do what I don’t want to do”? It’s because at times were idiots. Makers of our own destruction.
            I had a fat family member call me fat. I had a family member with a big mouth say I have a big mouth. I have a divorced family member criticize my divorce. Maybe I am an idiot for having family members? I want sex but feel guilty asking. Then I lie in bed at night and wonder why we don’t. Rule of thumb: if you don’t ask you don’t get. Stupid!!
            Back to work. We work in a very small building. They gave us a new department that took up space we don’t have. Someone got hurt. Duh!! So, they brought in a portable to accommodate. Ahh, only after someone got hurt. For safety reasons they encourage us to wear a vest. The person got their leg cut because there was no room. If they wore the vest would they be ok? We have two seat vehicles. Why give me two trainees, there are now three of us. I’m an idiot I know, 1+1+1= 2 seats. Dumb me.
            Back to the political. Obama did nothing for 8 years. He is great because he did nothing. Trump has caused trouble for 8 months. He does too much. So, who to vote for? The dumb ass Mayor that thinks we don’t need a hockey arena. The President who should not use twitter. The Prime Minister who let’s terrorists live in my neighborhood. Pat, you’re an idiot, shut up!

            I think only an idiot should be quiet. Only an idiot should not vote. An idiot will let managers run amuck. Especially new ones. Idiots give their tax money to well meaning political leaders without question. Idiots let church run without accountability. Maybe blog writers are idiots? Maybe democrats should be allowed to kill republicans because their idiots and stupid. Was I stupid for saying these idiotic things this morning?


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