When a human thinks

            Test tubes and analysis is needed. Books and seminars are a must. We gather to discuss who we are. I suppose it’s community all over again. In history, we have segregated people by race, color, and sex. Maybe that is the basics of who we are. We see therefore that’s all we have: sex, race, and color. To me the basics run a little differently. I have watched you humans for over 50 years and have discovered something special: your all acting human.
            Human is all about self-preservation. You are a body. That body will get sick to fight a virus. It will kill to eat. It will lie to save face. The human will stop at nothing to survive. It also thinks. When a survivalist thinks too much it’s a very bad thing. For some reason, the humans decided that existing was not good enough. They had to dig deeper. What we see or think is not good enough. The problem is with the deeper. We dig deeper so we think deeper.
            Sometimes I go for coffee and while in the lineup I can see a city of gophers running around in a great field of holes and tunnels. I bet rabbit holes are similar. If we went down into that city we might get lost in the maze of avenues. That was the point of the saying: veering down rabbit holes. Stay the course or if you wander, you might get lost. What happens when humans think too much. We start thinking that what we see is connected. Sounds like good advice. Yet, reality states that I am to believe half what I see and none of what I hear. That is not what’s happen, we have thought too much.
            What does God have to say? In the story called Job, his three friends see what God has done to Job. They believe that he is passing judgment on him. They spend the whole book dissecting God and Job’s situation. In the end, God stands on trial. They think they can understand the universe. I think if you read Gods answers, you will see that the simplest answer is always the best answer.
            Many of Gods rebuttals towards these men are about big things like the universe and the ocean. God asks if they have answers or where they there in the beginning. Today, we humans stand proud and tell the universe we have answers. The big bang is real. We know what happened in the beginning of time. We understand the oceans. It’s changed from I think to I see therefore I am. We can’t see God so he does not exist. We see female traits in a man so he must be gay. We see more men in leadership so that must be bad. We see color so let’s give them distinction like African American. We see warm weather so it must be global warming. We can’t just see the ocean or a man. That’s too easy for humans.
            This has been laughingly called the era of non-truth as if that’s a great discovery. What it means is that humans are trying to rewrite thousands of years of discovery. Recently in the UK, there is a store only selling unisex clothing for kids. Yes, kids, because adults know better. Woman’s rights are being replaced with human rights. Oh, the right of a woman to be a man. A man has the right to be a woman. The right to any truth you want as long as it is our truth.
            The human is an addictive creature. Power is really the height of self-preservation. If you’re in control then your safe. The addiction part is that we desire control more than life itself. Were addicted to control, power, and self-preservation. Controlling truth, science, and what were allowed to say and look at are paramount. Politically correct is not finished with humans. All the work of Susan B Anthony, Rosa Parks, and Decant are being suppressed in the name of humanity. Science, once heralded, is now being discredited by what we see.
            This is a dangerous place were in. Hitler wanted power and found gas chambers convenient. 6 million Jews did not think so. Isis wants to control history and the world. In the name of Allah is convenient. Tell that to the slaves and victims. Politically correct is tearing down history in the name of righteousness. Our history is being thrown out one statue at a time. In Canada, the new government was able to change the national anthem in one parliament sitting. How can what we have made and discovered be destroyed so easily? We are thinking way too much these days.

You know what I think? Oh, you certainly don’t want that.


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