The downfall of women

            There are several incidents of women being hurt in the name of beliefs and traditions. There is genital mutilation. There are honor killings. Burkas and covering the head are just some of the other ways men of other cultures force women to be and live a certain way. It’s not the way of the western world. Women fought through strikes, marches, and policies to gain freedom. Freedom to be, wear, and live as men do. I totally agree with their freedom fight. Women are people. Yes, they are female, but that does not define you as a person.
            I feel that four things that are killing the rights of women. The first is feminism. In principle, it looks like a good thing. Woman’s rights and the power of the female to be anything is good. Yes, woman can be anything except: a man. The problem is anything. Men can’t be everything. Neither can women, but feminism says you can. The second thing is making laws to hire women. Putting anyone in a role just because of their sex is asking for trouble. Qualified women should get the good jobs. Yet, women are getting jobs without being qualified. I feel it’s watering down the abilities of work and women.
            The third thing is rights and freedoms. It seemed an evolution to further women’s rights. If men have rights then so do women. If women gain rights then why not give rights to anyone. That sounds logical. The problem is that women’s rights have been left in the dust. The rights of all things supersede the rights of one type. That too sounds logical. However, the right to have your own beliefs and culture supersedes women’s rights.
            What does God have to say about this mess. In Genesis 2 God wanted man to have a helpmate. Men over the centuries have deemed that to be below them. A worker, slave, or servant. Women became lower than men. However, that’s not the Bible’s intent. The words helper, mate, companion refers to beside not below. In plain terms equal. Men have their role but so do women. One is not below the other just like God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct, separate, but equal.
            This is the sad part. The fourth thing that’s killing women is that role. How do women fit into equal rights for all people? How do they fit into the right to practice your customs or traditions? Isn’t honor killing a tradition in many other parts of the world? How do women fit into sexual orientation if they are deemed to be sexually and physically the same as male, gay, transgender or anything else? Women fought to be distinct from men. The new wave puts them backwards as the same as everything. Nothing should make a woman different than a man.
            My whole point is distinction. A woman was pretty, nice, companionate, soft, and many other great things. They were smart, able, equal in so many ways. We don’t talk about women like that anymore. Women are to be more like men. They are to give equal rights to all other genders. That means a transgender woman or man can run in a female race. A woman is allowed to fight in a male boxing ring. Women’s right won but now they are put into impossible situations where their losing bigtime.

            The rights of invited cultures have rights. Covering women up is a right. Men saying their women must obey is a right. Gay quota’s in the workplace is a right. The great work by the women of the past is being eroded one step at a time. The plight of the pink breast cancer ribbon is now used by 50 groups for their plight. Nobody is talking about the rights of women except the right to be and act like men. The real woman that was female, sugar, spice, and everything nice, is now considered a terrible recipe of a girl.


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