Clearly, we have gone stupid

            I am wondering if we have gone stupid? First of all, why would a smart university do something so stupid? Secondly, why would the public believe it was a clerical error. Most half intelligent people would never do something so stupid. I’m thinking we have just gone brain dead as a society. We think were so smart. At a university, their so smart that they could not be that stupid. Yet, clearly, they can be.
            In Canada, they are giving people the option of having no sex declared on their passport. In Canada, you don’t need a passport. So, the sex issue is a nonstarter. Yet, if you need to go to another country with different rules, you do need one with the declared sex type. Are we brain dead? Clearly, we have gone stupid. Our judgment on sex does not apply in the remaining parts of the world. You need to declare your sex type. Saudi Arabia will not care if you don’t care. Passports are for the other countries, not our own. Stupid is what stupid does, clearly.
            In Calgary Alberta, Canada we allow our politicians to use public money for various things. I’m sure that is the same everywhere in the world. Recently, in the last few years the powers at be have gone stupid. First was a bridge over a river. It was designed to look totally different than the rest of the city. It also cost over 50 million dollars to build. Second, was an art design on a bridge. It was a large circle that was blue. It cost 50 thousand to design. It’s a circle. Thirdly, was a native heritage design made by an American (not Canadian or native). It is a jumble of cement and girders. It’s art I guess but not native. It cost a half a million. This city has gone brain dead.
            What does God have to say about people. Proverbs 15:21 Stupidity is the delight of the senseless, but an understanding man walks uprightly. That is, it. Even God knows what stupidity is. To have art in a city is one thing. A half a million is another. Believing you have no sexual markers in your body is one thing, what others think about you is another. Thinking you’re smart so you can’t act stupid is another too. God knows human frailty.
            Society, is fictitious to some. It’s people that make up society. Ok, fair enough, but why are we seemingly getting more stupid as a whole? I am leaning towards society gone stupid. We think were so smart that we lack wisdom. Wisdom is cautious. Wisdom takes less risks. Wisdom does this: believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. We believe we come from monkeys. We believe that nature is unisexual. It’s no wonder were making stupid mistakes because stupid is what stupid does.
            Ok, don’t believe me. Brush me off. Are you really ok with a 50-million-dollar bridge? With education over runs and hospital constraints, should a half a million be spent on art? I think that type of reasoning leads to universities opening spam mail. Only an idiot would do that. There are people who leave animals and children in hot cars. There are people who believe there is nothing wrong with pardoning female murderers because their female. Our logic is declining at an alarming rate.

            So, where does that leave us? I don’t know? Every week I am reading stories of mega churches refusing people in need. I read governments taxing small business more. I read of money being spent on art instead of hospitals. They are entertaining the thought of not teaching children to write. The basics of knowledge are being abandoned. I guess it’s no wonder that reason and wisdom are being abandoned too.


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