Time to play

There are definitely times to play. I mean, when we were kids we played all the time. I guess it seems that way. I remember digging in my toy box. I remember climbing trees, swimming, and going around and round on the merry-go-round. I don’t seem to recollect sitting and pondering. I don’t remember just passing the time gazing at the sky. No, I was playing.
            I played hockey. In school, I played basketball. I suppose I played long while distant running but that not really a game. Everyone loves playing Nintendo or PS4. I like to play card games with my wife but I hate losing all the time. Playing can be fun in bed. People seem to ignore that, but it’s important too. I think as kids, were trained to play. Yet, when we get older we seem to play less and that’s too bad.
            At work, I know bosses and workers play games. I am sad that those games are usually not very good. I get the feeling that work is long because we make it that way. People dwell on the time. They dwell on procures and problems. How often do we make a game of work? Work should be serious, right? I’m not so sure. I feel that if we treated work more like a game to win, we would have fun at it. and we would win more often too.
            Playing is a mind-set. Just because you’re an adult does not mean you’re not a kid. How often I have heard people say they are a kid at heart. However, they ignore the child inside far too often. Sometimes it takes a tragedy or disaster to bring out the child in us. I feel that when the dust settles all we have left is ourselves. Sometimes even a scared child inside. Thinking outside the box like a child might be the best way out of trouble. Treating life like a game.
            What does God have to say about playing? Mark 10:15 “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." God knows that we love to play. We love to wonder and dream. So many movies depict an adult forgetting his youth. We write these stories because adults forget to play. They say the simplest answer is usually the best answer. Maybe the thoughts of a child are the simplest answers to our troubles.
            An adult should be responsible. A mature person will get things done. That is a good thing. Yet, how many adults forget to stop and play. They forget that things are not as complicated as they seem. A child sees simple answers. We adults work too hard, think too much, and expect far too much for ourselves and others. There is a time to play.

            I am considered a child to many. That is a great compliment. Yes, I like to play. I love to read adventures. I travel, and try nutty things. Life is crazy. Yet, I have a mortgage, bills, and responsibilities at work. People don’t realize I’m looked upon because I love life. I am responsible. I have some wisdom. Life is a game. I refuse to go down swinging without having fun till the last. Playing brings energy. It brings wonder and dreams. Playing is here to stay if we embrace it. I see seniors sitting in nursing homes waiting till death comes calling. Are you going to play that game too?


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