Who's your Daddy?

            What’s with the daddy thing? Well that book got me thinking about fathers and the big brother scenario. Do we need people like governments and companies to take care of us? The snap answer is no. Screw all the rich people. What fascinated me was this books view. People invent stuff we use like cars and phones. If we take these minds away do we still get the inventions? Obviously not everyone is a rocket scientist. If we take corporations away then do we have better prices, more jobs, or places to work? This is a good question. Atlas Shrugged says no.
            That book is not the Bible. I don’t believe everything she wrote. Yet, it got me thinking. People hate Trump. Why? Any answer you give should be backed up with facts. What if you just believe he is a rich evil man. What if it’s not true but you hate him anyways. What if we took Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and all the other rich people away?
            The other side of this argument is entitlement. Do the smart people of this world owe us their brain. Are they entitled to give us all the things we enjoy? If so, then what do we owe them. I feel that modern humans are starting to believe we should pay nothing for their effort. They should just give us what we want for free. They don’t get rich and we don’t get poor by purchases. This is an interesting concept. There is a ton of hatred in this world over corporations and rich people. It’s like someone is forcing us to pay for what they sell. We buy phones. We buy sports tickets. We buy movie tickets. Is it ok if we take all the rich people away or should they give to us for free?
            What does God have to say about working? Two verses and the first is 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." The second is Romans 4:4 “When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned.” There are many more. It’s easy to find verses that say give of your heart. There are also tons of verses that say work for your pay. I suspect God would say work hard. Get paid well. God would also ask us to share well.
            So where does that leave us in these modern times? Do we want a sugar daddy to give us everything for cheap or free? Do we think that talented people owe us? Are all rich and talented people evil? Is entitled and lazy the same thing? So many questions. How many of us work at a job that a rich corporation gave us? If they were not there then where would you work. How would you live? Should the government take care of us and provide it all for free? If so then where do they get the things we need. Are you willing to work for the government for free to build the things were entitled too? If not then why are rich corporations different? Aren’t governments rich fat cats too?

            Here are a few things to think about the next time you post about Trump. What would you do different. Are you robin hood just giving it all away to those who don’t want to work? Are people lazy? Do you deserve pay for work? Should you have to work? If corporations died. Would you make a business for people to work at? How would you eat if nobody processed or made stuff? It’s not really about Trump, is it? This is about you and those around you who hate being middle class or poor. Yet, you’re not willing to work at it are you. You want to be entitled to luxury and comfort. Oh, isn’t that what the rich want too?


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