The failure of christianity

The failure of Christianity is in the pudding. What is the pudding? Well, it’s when Christians use their money and ministries to look good. When they say they will pray but do nothing physically? It’s when they parade little Asian or black children across stages to boost giving. It’s when the poor white in their own back yards don’t even get a glance. Oh, I almost forgot. It’s when we sign up for food banks and food kitchens to serve the poor.
Oh, but that’s nice! No, it’s rich Christians standing on one side of the table like a line in the sand. You both will be on the same side of the line next week, the week after, and the year after that. Christianity is failing because of shoe leather. We are becoming sandal people. Leather is out of fashion. So, are you going to explain? Sandal people plan their vacations. They go to football games and out for diner. They go to church on Sunday and serve at soup kitchens. Then there are leather people.
These people wear out the shoes they own for the less fortunate. They give up their shoes for the less fortunate. They don’t serve twice a year at soup kitchens. They are the soup kitchens. They are those who go to the prisons. They go to the poor areas and look for solutions. They give money but they give time too. Their walk of faith is in doing it in shoe leather.
Now hear me out. I love my sandals. I love hockey games, and cruise ships. I also love giving my time and money when God asks me too. I’d like to think I could do a lot more. I could certainly give a lot more. So, why is Christianity failing in my eyes? It’s in the intent. We give money over there, while over here we ignore big problems. We travel over there to build schools and homes but over here the neighborhoods are deteriorating. Here we build parks and put up plaques in our honor. We restore building and rename them. We create ministries and judge their value based on saved souls. Do we really have a clue what Christianity is?
What does God have to say about this mess? I like to look at the book of Matthew. Several times Jesus is quoted as saying I desire mercy not sacrifice. There are two things here. One is that it’s Jesus saying “I.” He points out that God is looking them in the face. God is asking where their hearts are. The second is why is Jesus saying that? Well the God people of the day were doing religion by tradition and public view. They wanted people to see what they did as a sacrifice. There is no difference today and Christianity is failing.
We fail to see what God is doing? I have been asked to create programs, but have we taken the time to see what God is already doing? Do you think God is not doing anything in the place you live until you come along? We go and give of our finances, yet there are thousands of people right in your community that need your money. Don’t be so dam stupid. This might look like a rich country compared to Cambodia but the poor and needy are right under your nose.
The reason we have racial problems is Christians. White Christians feel the need to create programs and give to projects where blacks live. The black Christian community complains a lot about white people. Yet, they do very little for those of the same skin color. Do you really think the black African (whatever) community can’t fix this mess? They can but playing the victim means they don’t get dirty, they don’t spend time, and they don’t put themselves in harm’s way. If the white won’t help then well just call them bigots, racists, and lives that don’t matter.

To the rich whites and others in North America. Your communities are being shot at. Your black brothers and sisters need help hand in hand. Mercy is this. Build with them. Find solutions with them. Take zero credit. Take zero tax credits. Give because you can and want to. Mercy over sacrifice means we do the dirty hard work that comes from the heart and not in a call from the pulpit. The real work is outside the church. It might not save a soul. Do you know that. Read your Bible. Jesus talked way more about cups of cold water and giving from our hearts than he ever did about saving souls. Mercy does not consider their soul but more likely your soul.


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