Suck it up

This society should find it’s big boy pants. It’s time to suck it up Louie. I am sorry that I grew up in a time period that was tougher than you. What do you want me to do: soften up? Not! I was made to be tough. Here is a news flash kiddies, things don’t always go your way. Bills must be paid. Time must be spent. Effort must be given. If you don’t do those things, then it sucks to be you. Early American writers told us over and over that effort earns money. Effort earns life too.
            All we have been reduced to on the internet is the internet. It’s a jumble of angry ranting posts. Do something productive for God’s sake. Is all you are been reduced to are angry posts? Do you read false information and go off ranting like some psycho? Do you work that way? Do you relate to others that way? Is time spent with yourself that way? Is that all you are, just a jumble of angry rants? Imagine if the American people posted about a revolution but did nothing. We would love British tea more than McDonalds.
            Here is the thing. Oh, I will just incite changing government because it did not go my way in the polls. Recently in Britain they voted out of the European union. The political leaders are not respecting the vote. Oh, so you did not get your way so you will just ignore democracy. In America, some spoiled Hollywood brats are calling for the military to take back Washington. From democracy? But Hilary won Patrick. Really? Do you really think she did? Seems to me that after a month of expensive recounting Trump became president. Hillary lost so suck it up Louie.
            Hey, in Canada, I can’t stand the fake Prime Minister. This country is going down. That may be or I’m wrong, but either way I will fight for democracy. I did not win but democracy won. The people spoke and the people won. It’s either the few rule or the people rule. You can’t have it both ways. In a way, Brexit, the American election, and the Canadian mess is a reflection of the people. We want change, so we got change. That is democracy and a civilized revolution. Do you really want the military to take over democracy? Really?
            What does God have to say? Well, God gives a pretty hard line with accepting results. Matthew 23 is hard to swallow. It says that we are to listen to the religious rulers and heed their words from the Bible. Yet, it asks us to not do what they do in their lives. It means that the truth is spoken out one side of their mouths but deceit is coming out the other. Respect the truth but be careful of bad people. Isn’t that the way of it today. There is so much miss-information. We hate our leaders. Yet, the very idea of freedom and democracy must be followed. It must be. The alternative is going our own way. With over millions of own ways that would spell trouble. Democracy keeps the own way in check.
            At times, we have heard of dictators ruling with an iron fist. We have communist parties and the ruling military. Do we really believe that we could adopt those forms and it will remain the same? Ask Russia, North Korea, and Syria is that worked out. Do the graves of democracy in those countries have anything to say? No, they are dead, dead, dead. Where are their posts, rants, and riots? Oh right, there is none. Why? Because democracy is dead.

            It’s time we fought back. The lies on the internet will be our undoing. Trump won, Brexit won, Trudeau won. Maybe your happy about that. Maybe you hate it. Still, freedom and democracy won too. There will be another vote. What you do between votes is way more important than voting. What do you stand for? Who is running for office? Is it a face or qualified? Are you involved? Getting off your ass is the key. And take up arms? Oh, that will work. Maybe it’s time to put on those big boy pants and be accountable with your mouth. But... Really, you’re still posting, ranting, and whining? Suck it up Louie.


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