I can't believe it

I can’t believe we have come to this point in history. As a kid, I was groomed that as time went on, we would evolve. Some say we have evolved. The likes of Star trek and such painted a picture of a future of searching, discovering, and harmony. I was taught that we would become more loving and more peaceful. Why? It’s because of where we came from. Such great times of slavery, racism, world wars, had been enough. The cold war and Vietnam were enough. It was time for peace. Were smarter than this.
            I suppose I believed we were smarter than this. I believed humans would achieve, evolve, and grow. Where are we today? We are willing to circumvent democracy to put into power someone who did not win. We are running up the debt because we need to be taken care of. We are willing to invite in terror groups in the name of peace. Patrick, we have evolved. The ways of peace are here. If we pick peaceful leaders, then peace will happen. It’s only money. If we love bad Muslims, then good things will happen.
            History is a funny cat. We see it repeating itself, but it will continue to repeat itself? Why? That seems so weird. Why would we not be warned by history. It’s because of the evolve thing. We believe that the past was stupid and we know better today. Each generation has repeated the stupid things of the past because they believed they are smarter than history. There was a woman’s march last week. Why on earth do woman still need to march. What freedoms do you not own? There is a show on TV this week exploring white racism. I get it now. This generation has its head in the sands of the past. We need a cause. The cause ignores the future. Why? Because as of today, we have nothing to look forward to.
            I just read a book that asked kids in the 80’s who are their heroes. They answered Michael Jackson, Brooke shields, and themselves. The writer was surprised because in his childhood he dreamed of discovering, concurring, and exploring heroes like Armstrong, Washington, and Earhart. My kid told me the other day that there is no hope. We just need to find a way to be happy just existing. That is where we are. The problems of today is that we have no future. What do you look forward to in the next ten years? Who brings you hope: Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Muslim harmony?
            What does God have to say about this mess? Matthew 24 in the New Testament talks about rumors of wars. Jesus says these things must come to pass. It’s strange that disasters and wars must happen in the future. Why can’t we find peace? Then it hit me. These are the days of the fake truths. On the radio I have heard that statement. The speaker was ok with fake truths. He said it was better than reality. We believe that we can be friends with Muslims if we love them. We believe Michelle Obama would be a great leader. Jesus said that fake saviors would come and go. In revelation, it says the people hated God all the more after disasters. I found that odd considering it was not working without God. Why not try God? It’s simple. The hard truths are painful. Who wants that. Fake saviors bring fake hope.
            The painful truth is simple. We are stupid enough to repeat the failures of the past. It’s because we think we are smarter than them. We forgot one thing: we are human and humans are prone to err. The second is amazing. In Star trek, there was racial harmony. I wish that was possible. There is a push to have dating websites ban racial choices. Were nuts to believe that people will not chose a mate by race, sex, or hair color. Again, we will try as Hitler did to make one superior race. We will fail too. You can’t change humanity. People have tried for thousands of years. Each generation thinking it’s smarter than the last.
            Finally, can we get past the march. Why do gays need to march? Why do women in North America need to march? Who are the heroes of the gay movement, woman’s movement, or black movement? My warning is simple: movement to what? Where are, you going? I thought we were equal now. You say we are not. We still must push ahead for equality. Ahh, there we are. Let’s create fake truths.
Truth 1 we need to fight for equality because were not yet equal
Truth 2 spending government money will bring prosperity
Truth 3 is that no God will bring peace
Truth 4 is that we can achieve harmony with evil if we love them
Truth 5 Government is corrupt, rich people are corrupt, and religion is corrupt

I’m betting in the next 20 years our children will find out how stupid their parents were too.


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