The truth has set you free

             There is nothing worse than heart and character devastation. The battle to ruin a person begins in the heart but ends in their character. The goal is to reduce an individual to a mass of pride, self-awareness, and truth bashing. If we can make a person protect themselves at all cost, then we have done our job. The individual truth we believe is a powerful thing. If we only believe in what we think is true, then anyone else is less than important. The heart goes cold and people become expendable. All that matters are maintaining the one thing that is important: ourselves.
            I think that describes individualism. The pursuit of happiness and significance. We could kill the heart in many ways. I know people who were violated sexually. They protect their heart. I know people who have been humiliated and berated. They protect their heart. In many cases people sink like a black hole into themselves. The problem is this. If we tell them they are victims, then they learn to fight back. If we tell them they are owed, then they learn to take back. Once that is accomplished then the character is killed. We are left with a person who only lives to protect themselves.
            I know what abuse is. I have seen it in my life on various levels. A parent’s harsh words. A co-worker derogatory point of view. Marry a spouse and have them turn on you. There are plenty more but these are the things I have endured. I guess it comes down to the fork in the road. Do we retreat within ourselves and build a fortress or do we fight for love? After divorce I saw two paths. One friend got angry. I chose to understand me and those who hurt me. What I found was interesting. Abuse is a chameleon.
            Being abused is not about gaining rights. Being abused is not about being right. Being abused is not about wearing the victim badge for eternity. Being abused is about finding yourself in the mist of tragedy. Sorry people but living in an abusive free world is not going to happen. Learning to protect ourselves from abuse is fine as long as we learn from it. It all begins with you me. Are you going to let abuse assassinate your heart and character? Is it ok to strike out in frustration and hatred because you’re a victim? Maybe a different point of view could rescue your heart from the devastation of assassination.
            What does God have to say about the heart. John 8:32 says “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” It is super easy to take one verse in a quote or the Bible and use it in the wrong intent. I chose this verse because it is so simple. To know truth is to feel safe. To know truth can set a mind at ease. To know truth can bring down stress and give hope. Why? Because being tempted by our own understanding is our downfall. James 1:14-16 sums it up for God “But one is tempted by one’s own desire, being lured and enticed by it; 15 then, when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved.”
            I get it that you have been hurt. Frankly you’re not special. We all share in abuse. The only way your heart will be devastated is if you let it. Star Wars was written by people. Those people wrote that the path to the Dark side comes from a hurt heart. To only defend your heart and not the hearts of others is a tragedy in itself. We were made to share what we have learned. We were not made to share our anger, resentment, and vengeance. That leads to our character dark side.
            The other day Donald Trump became the President of America. This whole election has been about speaking from the heart and enforcing the truth you believe. They say he is abusive, yet we have thrown verbal abuse at him. Canadians have thrown verbal abuse at Americans for voting him in. This has never been an election about Donald or Hilary. This is about what we believe. Anger, abuse, profanity, and vile words come from an abused heart. Where else could that type of debauchery come from? Who makes you do and say such horrible things to another person. You do and no one else.
            This is the era of entitlement. Here is what you are entitled to. You will be abused by someone and something. You will be talked about behind your back. Your heart will be broken. You will be free to abuse others because the truth is, in your heart, they deserved it. Just like you deserved it? Aren’t they entitled to abuse you like you abuse them? I know your heart has had an assassination attempt. Don’t let that event assassinate your character too.

            The only way we can have better leaders is if we raise better children. If you want better friends, then pick better friends. Surround yourself with good people. Be a good person in their circle too. There is a famous verse in 1 Corinthians 15:33 and it says “Do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character.” Don’t let this harsh world devastate your heart. Don’t let a devastated heart ruin your character. Do unto others are you would have them do unto you still applies no matter what truth you believe.


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