End of an era

             It’s a different era. I have witnessed political victories that have caused indifference and euphoria. In my first 51 years of life I knew elections as a patriotic time. We vote because it’s our duty. We vote because it’s our right in a democratic society. We vote because it’s important for the currant and next generation. We the people means we vote for ourselves and for others. I always thought elections defined North America. In Canada and the USA, we voted as an event that binds us together as the free people of the world. I wonder if this era is the beginning of the end.
            They say recently What’s wrong with pro sports. I wonder if it’s the birth pains of an era change. In the past the community gathered to cheer on a common goal. We are a football or hockey nation and city. I saw a show where the city of Pittsburgh is Steeler country. Is it still that way anymore? I realize that we have more to do these days. There are more teams, more sports, and more interests. Kids don’t play in the dirt and dream of going to the moon as they once did. Today they wonder about their sexual orientation, their next iPhone, and playing call of duty. The trouble in that is the “I.”
            I dreamed as a kid about one thing. I am Canadian but American president John F Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I grew up dreaming of what I could do in this country and for this country. This era of entitlement only asks what the country can do for him or her. Team play is gone. I think sports ratings are down because the sport is about protecting the players from injury. In my day those were not injuries. What it has done has ruined the game. The people see it and the people are turned off. It’s the same in the political realm. The politicians are in it for themselves and that is not team play. Voting is down because the people are turned off.
            John Donne said “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.” We have raised a ton of little islands running around on a continent. We don’t vote. It is now “I” vote. We don’t play. It’s now become I need playing time, I need a contract, and give me the dam ball. I feel that every person is a shadow among shadows. We don’t really see anyone anymore because all we look for is ourselves. What is my sex, my goals, and my value? Those are important but the “we” is still significant. We need the “we” more than you thought. That is why I fear it’s the end of an era.
            What does God have to say about this era. So often we roll our eyes at certain parts of the Bible. Matthew 24 is a little bit of prophesy by Jesus. It is so easy to just pass it over or spend hours interpreting it. I wonder if while looking for something we miss the obvious. Matthew 24: 11-12 “Then many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because of the increase of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold.”
            If this is not today, then I am truly blind. This election in the States has shown me that we are in these times. It’s a special time when a president is elected. No matter who won it was a celebration of democracy and freedom. Something most of the world does not have. This year something has changed. We don’t like the candidates. We don’t like the outcome. We don’t like what our vote gave us. The celebration of freedom has turned into bickering, riots, and discontent.
            There have been people calling for assassination. There have been people befriending others for their views. We the people has turned into Fu…k you. If it’s about entitlement now, then we have truly entered a new era. People are cold, angry, and individualistic. My agenda must win. My lifestyle must be recognized. My view is right. All the other views are racist, bigot, and wrong. Jesus prophesy needs to be false but it’s bang on. Maybe community is dead.
            History has shown that many of the cultures that perished did so because of disunity. When roman allegiance turned inward towards the needs of the individual things changed. Many people felt the end of times came at the fall of Rome. Prophesy was written to end that era. Unfortunately, we have seen this story play itself out in many nations over and over again. Do I want North America to fall? Hell, no, but it’s falling. People think this is good because then restrains will be off and they can be truly free.

            History has taught us one thing. Freedom is universal. Good people are free. Bad people are free too. Good people just want to live within themselves. Bad people don’t play by ideology, sexual orientation, or any rules. That’s what makes them bad people. If we have entered an era where freedom to do anything is legal, then what do you think will happen. 


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