Food for thought
I bought a fit band by Garmin (promo alert). It
has been a good thing and a bad thing all wrapped in one. I haven’t worn a
watch in years. It’s been nice to know the time beyond my phone. This little
band has really opened my eyes to the world of food. It’s also opened my eyes
to working out. I thought you ate little, worked out lots, and prayed the
scales liked you this week. My new Garmin friend is now my best buddy.
starts I’m not a fit nut. I am now currently in a fit band he he. We are
grinding out beautiful music together. I have dropped almost 20 pounds and am
in shock about it. Yes, I have heard the stories that pizza is bad for you. McDonalds
is not fat friendly. My little fit band sung a different toon. The salt war was
coming. I had no idea that all foods packaged for a shelf had tons of salt in
it. I had no idea that fast food restaurants are loaded with salt. It never
crossed my mind until my fit friend began warning me. Am I a fit nut now?
Every time I eat something I scan
the bar code. There is a little program with my fit band that teaches me what
to eat. In reality, once I lose the pounds, I will not be eating enough, that’s
crazy. I love McDonalds but why. Well it tastes good dummy. Sure it does but do
I love salt or do I love a Big Mack? Do I love pizza or is it the salt talking?
These are tough questions because I love those foods above all else. It is
annoying that my band rings alarms on many foods. The American diet people
scream out death to salt. Did you know that they say we should only eat a tea
spoon a day? Friggin health nuts? Oh yeah, and nuts are not great either.
Now on to the workout side. I walk a
ton at work. They say we should walk ten thousand steps a day. I’m cruising
around thirteen thousand, but I was still gaining weight. What gives? The new
song in my fit band was singing that I was working out ineffectively. I guess I
need to get my little ticker pumping at a certain rate before I work out. Our bodies
burn fat better at higher speeds. I knew that but didn’t know that. So I added
5 minutes of warm up before and boom the weight fell off.
So what does God have to say about
weight. God is really Dr. Atkins. Seriously God has talked about diet for
thousands of years. People tend to gloss over the Leviticus laws on food. What they
miss is that most of the foods he says don’t eat are bad for you or at-least
dangerous to eat. You know I just got it about God wanting to burn the fat of
animals. I bet it was to keep our diet lean. Well eat anything just ask McDonalds.
God only wanted us to eat certain parts. I bet it was to keep fat out of our
Of course God says nothing about a
Tim Hortons coffee or the Wendy’s Baconater. If you’re going to wear a fit band
then be open to listening. That little band has me on the run. I now work out effectively,
eat effectively, and shop effectively. This is music to my ears. I have lost
weigh in droves once I got with the program. The crazy part is the food. Oh my
goodness there is not much we can eat if you want to stay under one tea spoon
of salt. It’s practically impossible.
This leaves me skinnier. I feel
great. I love being in a fit band. Does it control your life? I suppose it could.
I have not had the guts to have a cheat day. Basically pre-packaged foods and
fast foods are very bad. Eating healthier means cooking from scratch more. Listen
to me the little health nut now. I will admit it’s working. Really I’m shocked
at how I feel. The crazy part is coming up. The new fit band toon is singing
that I’m not eating enough. Oh boy here we go again and these days that is
music to my tummy.
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