Fake is fake

            We had an election last year in Canada and we got a fake Prime Minister. Oh sure they call him the countries leader but is he a leader? Obama is the leader of the Americans but is he a leader? We are in a disposable generation. Things come and things go. The leaders of today buy us stuff and then they leave. We forget what they bought but we still crave more. A real leader does not buy us stuff. They do not give us what we want. A real leader provides what we need and looks to the future. In the long run fake leaders are just fake. What have we voted ourselves into.
            We are going through an interesting period these days in Canada. We want drugs. We want everything legal. We want our fake Pm to give us everything the nasty mean former PM would not. Money is flowing out of this country to buy this and buy that. In the meantime, disaster has struck within the economy. Disaster has struck as a forest fire in the city of Fort Mac Murray and has reduced the town to ashes. The interesting part is where the money flows. The fake leaders of today don’t want to take money away from the things they want to buy for us. Buying building materials to rebuild one town in Northern Alberta is not sexy. Fake leaders don’t want to deal with that crap.
            Ok, so on social media people are complaining that our fake PM is not doing enough. You can clearly see he does not seem the least bit concerned. It took days for the other fake Premier of Alberta to wake up and smell the fire. Yet, here we stand complaining about them. Did it occur to you that fake leaders are fake? They don’t save us from terrorism, fires, and economies. They were hired to have fun, spend your tax dollars on frivolous things that make them look good. They make things legal so we can focus on have fun while they do needless other fake leader stuff. Fires and economies ruin a perfect dream of a perfect fake leader.
            Why do we expect Christians to be Christian when they are clearly not Jesus? Why do we expect millennials to make hard decisions when they have had everything easy? Why do we expect Muslim terrorists to be nice when they were born and trained to hate? We expect a lot from those who know only what they know. A pot smoking, fun loving, attention getting fake PM will act like what in times of disaster? Don’t laugh Americans you have had fake leaders for years too.
            In the meantime, God is not laughing. What would God have to say about fake leaders. In several books in the Bible we have what they call boring writing on the kings of Israel and Judea. I say boring because people call it boring. I don’t really think it’s boring at all. God gave us a detailed blueprint on leadership. All these records show us what to do in times of trouble. They show us what not to do when things are good. If we read it then we would know. The Bible is set up as a human example book. What is the relationship between doing wrong and believing in God? In many cases when the leaders don’t believe then trouble follows. These days it’s the same way. The more fake leaders concentrate on fun, toys, and spending the more trouble seems to find us. Believing and being a fake leader seems to be opposites.
            Someone is going to say that God is getting even or picking on us when were bad. I prefer to say that when things go wrong “Are you ready.” Fake leaders are never ready. They seem surprised, react slowly, and respond inappropriately. Yet, you are angry and surprised. I don’t care what you wanted because that is not what you hired. Does an ice-cream truck driver solve crimes? Does a postman fight fires? Does some dog catcher train moneys (well he might)? Do fake leaders lead strongly in times for trouble? The answer is no, so quit complaining.

            People that say they love God might not make the best leaders. You can say you care but do you? People that say they can lead us well might not be the best leader. You can say you are a leader but put a huge fire in front of you, and then let’s see. Bosses, coaches, and leaders that are too easy never win. Bosses, coaches, and leaders that are jerks never win either. Sometimes we need our fathers to be leaders. Far too often we expect mom to lead these days. She can but we need fathers that can lead too. Leading fathers train leading girls and boys. Fake leaders train fake leaders by example. So here we sit in times of peril with fake everything. Where is my phone, where is my PM, and where is my savior outside the fake church? These are really good questions.


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