So you think you are hot

             I was working midnight's with a bunch of ladies and the topic changed to being hot. They all talked about the guys they drooled over. In the conversation, they asked me if I thought I was hot, and I said yes. That drove these ladies nuts. “How can you say you’re hot” they asked? Who do you think you are “Jean Claude Van Dam”? That is so cocky and arrogant. I laughed because what am I supposed to say “I suck” or “I’m just ok”? My philosophy is that we should believe in ourselves and love what’s in the mirror. Shouldn’t I think I’m hot?
            All kidding aside, I like my butt and body. Sure I could lose a pound or three but for fifty I’m hot. In a way I have told (taught) my kids that I’m hot and being in this family is a curse of the hot guys. Girls just like us, what can I say. Yes, there are hotter guys (I guess) he he. I bring this up because in the social media world there is a strain between normal and hot. Rosie O’Donnell is not hot, but to one or two people she is. Heidi Klum is hot to many because she is a model (Duh). Should she not embrace her hotness? Ugh, should Rosie?
            I applaud (sort a) overweight women who were spandex in public. At-least they believe in themselves. I can’t stand looking at her but I respect her attitude. Being attractive in your own eyes is very good for the soul. Flaunting it to gain attention is a grey area. Should Taylor Swift advertise herself as a business? Should Jenny Mc McCarthy do the same with a different body? What are they supposed to do? The buying public looks first and judges second. That’s the way it’s always been.
            It’s a struggle I know. Should we promote less attractive (subjective) people so that they are famous. Sure but in the end it’s shopping for what you like. People want Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt before they want Pee wee Herman. Overweight is unhealthy but underweight is too. Being hot can be a curse. There is a lot more trouble to get into being hot. We hot people (ha ha) stand out and that creates judgment. Just ask all the celebrities that are scrutinized 27/7. Did they ask for it? Ya, that’s the crux of it all. Agreeing your hot is cause for trouble.
            What does God have to say about being hot? Oh I like this one. God picked David as King because he was small and ruddy (what does that mean) looking. I guess he was not hot. The people chose a tall hot looking man named Saul instead. God says he chose what’s inside over the outside. Jesus is never described and that drives people nuts. I have heard pastors say he was ugly and deformed. Others said he was God so of course he was hot. Who cares but inquiring minds want to know because were people. Did Mary Magdalene love Jesus because he was God, had wisdom, or was hot? You decide? I bet it was all three.
            In Sports all the hot chicks make the team. So what happens to all the ugly girls that are better athletes? Well they don’t get to be commentators of the sport. They don’t get to be on cereal box covers, weather stations, or TV. Why? Yes, it’s not fair but neither is life. Hot people sell because that’s what we like to look at. Hot people make mistakes and we love that too. All the un-hot people love to stick it to the hot ones.

            My advice is twisted. Admit your hot if you are. Admit being hot if you’re not. Being confident in yourself is worth its weight (pun) in gold. Depression is a billion-dollar industry because we wish we were not. Don’t flaunt being hot. We know, don’t tell us. Yet, if you got it use it in a good way. I know hot moms. I know hot supervisors hired for the right reasons of course. I know ugly chicks that rule with an iron fist. Trying to prove something? Be hot inside and use it for good outside. Being ugly inside is a bad thing for those of us outside your body.


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